Saturday, December 29, 2007

12/29/07 Weekend replies


I have a question about the new poll... Is being a human (ie, yourself) not an option? Just curious before I respond to the poll. :)

Great reflective post. :)

Well, I was going for a sort of twenty questions sort of thing, so a human would fall under the animal category. (Curious how humans are often grouped with 'animals'.)

Thanks! (Just don't expect it every time. XD)

Thanks to you too, mom! (Ha! Thought I forgot about you, didn't you? Well think again! ^^)

Okay, so that's most of why I posted on a weekend. Questions should be answered, should they not? Also, if any of you are dying to be mineral water, just put it under other...

-yawns- I did some tests yesterday with the background image. Photoshop is nice. Annoying at times, but nice. ALL I WANT IS TO COMBINE THE LAYERS! HOW HARD IS THAT????

Yeah... I have issues.

So now that you have once again led yourself into this fascinatingly inconstant world...

You can leave now. You don't have to. But you might want to. I saw a note the other day...

Bonjour, bonjour...
Ce doit vous informer que nous nous laisserons tomber près plus tard pour voir si nous avons accompli le travail sur notre dernière visite. Tandis que nous ne doutons pas de nos capacités, il serait ignorant pour aller sans lui donner un essai final...
Les Singes

The worst part is, I don't know what they did... So yeah. You might want to run. -dashes out the door- Hedgy, make sure they don't brake anything!
. .?


Thanks, Hedge!

Friday, December 28, 2007

12/28/07 The beginning of the end

Alas, '07 draws to a close, naught but a simple memory, to linger on in the confines of our earthly minds. To say that it was meaningless would be a mockery. '07 was a year of event and should not be forgotten by time.

Elements of '07
-The realignment of the stake
-Divorce of the parents of Jacob Renolds
-Announcement of remarriage of the dad of Jacob Renolds
-Realization of greatness: Surfacing of Jason Bourne
-Tackling of major issues, known only to the few they pertain to
-The creation of the Asylum
-Brotherhood 2.0
-A fair share of decent movies being released
-The furthering cause of the Asylum
-The continued growth of family

All these things, and many more, have etched the year 2007 solidly within our minds. My call now is to let this not be forgotten.

Solemn , eh? Well, don't get too somber. There's no humor in that, and if there is no humor, what is this? That's right. Another mushy blog that makes you think. Well, if I wanted just that, I wouldn't have created the Asylum, would I? So, back to the crazy!

Emails have been piling up, so naturally I spent much of today looking through them. (You can miss a lot, it seems, when you give little heed to daily life) Holidays, holidays. Such wonderful times they are. So with changes of tradition clear on the horizon, let us all look forward, grasping hold to the future.

(I'm trying to get into the writing mood)

Ooh! Let's see how the poll went! Shall we?

Poll Results to what people would do if they could travel through time:
1) Go into the future and see if there is any hope for the world.
b) Go into the past and try to change things for the better.
3) Leave things alone. Time traveling only makes people disappear.

Along with this, I must sadly admit that my little ice monkey melted before I found place for it in the freezer. -sighs- This next challenge shouldn't be a problem, though. ^^ I'll do it Monday or so to avoid being blue during church meetings.


New thankful list.
New challenge.
Soon to be new poll.
New background and other such changes.

Delightful, isn't it? Such a charming little place this is becoming!

Well, as the day wears on, so must I. I leave you now.

~Jacob M. Renolds
Lord Muncher
And the ever present Ben & Company

Friday, December 21, 2007

12/21/07 FOUR DAYS?!?

So things are drawing close and I have no idea what's happening. (aside from the usual Christmas eve get together)

Sharp shutter and Towel boy are really making me think though. I have an idea what they may have gotten, but it just seems too... strange. Especially since mom was there.... Who knows? All I know is that Sharp shutter is getting some pretty unusual gifts. Two, in any case...

We had some bread in Seminary today. Good bread. Seasonal sugary bread. I haven't eaten any yet, but it looks good. -nods- The ward party is tonight! I wonder if it'll be as good as CC ward parties... They were very good. Especially the one day play! (I was in a suitcase for part of that...)

Anywho, I'd best be off. Much to do. Much to forget! Goodbye, peoples!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

12/20/07 Basketball

Well, last night's service thing went well. The young women wrapped christmas presents and the young men cleaned the mechanical rooms. And got bitten by holy spiders. (It doesn't seem to be serious.) So yeah, that was good. Afterwards we played basketball and I learned that I stink. I can't pass, I can maybe make a shot if I'm moving, but on a brighter note, it turns out I'm decent at defending. So I guess I can go unnoticed well, which, oddly enough comes in handy. (no kidding) So yeah. I stink.

Um, Tuffy is here. -nods- I think I forgot to mention that earlier. -looks at dog- She doesn't like eating, apparently. I think it's her French upbringing. French seem to dislike scarfing their food. I guess that's a good thing, but when another dog inhales her food in three seconds, it sort of makes for interesting situations. Namely Tuffy sitting by her food while Anna stares at her from the other side of a barricade. Life. XD

I'll be right back...

I may have to head down to the library and see if the book is there. I requested it, but it says it's 'on shelf' I click the info thing and it says it's missing. Who knows?

I just realized that I have my Library Barcode memorized. ^^
|| ||| ||||| ||| | |||

He he he... Bye!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

12/19/07 The Bourne Identity!

I just finished the book! Very good. Very well researched. -nods- Now, I won't go on and ruin it for everybody (believe me, I want to...), but I will say that it's very different from the movie. But that is as it should be, for it would lose something otherwise. This way, it still kept me wondering while keeping the quick moving story. I highly recommend it. Although there are definitely moments to skip, as with most books. Now, all I must do is wait for the next book to be get to the library. (it seems the books are popular...)

Anywho, that's about it, aside from informing you that the youth are cleaning the church building. (not that that is of any significance)


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12/18/07 Countdown...

Three days, five chapters. No biggy. Anywho, thanks, Pink! I'm glad someone is happy with the changes. Hopefully this will make it easier to update the little side points. Which reminds me, I should really work on that ice sculpture...

CHRISTMAS! Ono weeko! Are you ready? (Seeing as the stuff that really matters doesn't really need the stress, why not?) I dunno, this Christmas has crept up without me noticing much. (that is, until I walked in a store...) I think it might be the books. Life always go faster when you have a book. And a superduper reading light / bike light! (It's especially good for reading because it's red. Less pain on the eyes, you know?) I love that thing. Plus it's LED! I don't know why, but I like saying LED.

(O) -yawns-
/ \ 1-9-W-1-B-F-D-N-R-S-M-Q-E-A-O-Y-O-5

Hubert has been sleeping in lately. Something about it being his contribution towards the holiday spirit. So thanks, Hubert, you really took one for the team, there. We've appreciated it, though. We really have.


#oJ Hedge, here, likes the stockings. He thinks they're colorful.

So that's roughly it. Life is good. Life is fast. I. Need. Sleep. But more importantly, I need Bourne music, a book, and some good strawberry yogurt. (Yogurt+Book=Not at the same time)




Monday, December 17, 2007

12/17.2/07 Compare and contrast

Comments: (and that is all, I think)
- I suppose Crescive will work:
Um - no.

Since the only brushes I've really used much are the ones in computer programs, I really don't think that's a good nickname. Especially since I haven't used even those for a long time. I use paths more lately. Vector graphics are great. Even if I did paint, that one is way too cheesy and I'd have to stop reading your blog if you tried to call me that.

(btw I guess you could call it aqua, but I would call that color teal - which is a color I don't like.)

Yeah, (Blocked word) - stop being so picky about someone else's nickname. ha ha. (I hope you were talking about her and not me.)
And I don't think anyone wants to be named what they eat. (Besides, I know I'm not the only one that reads this blog that takes medicine everyday.)(? Say what?)

I am sticking with my original request. Light blue and aquarium or crescive (or my real name that I've been using on the comments forever - btw (Blocked word), I pointed that out a couple days ago).
OKAY! Where do I start? Okay, yes. I was referring to you when picking the title.
Let's take a look as to why I may say that.

- Vancouver:

Hey Fish - I love that you stopped commenting using your name, even though you have plenty of times! lol

You really want your name to be "Fish"? lol How about your name be... I don't know, something about being an artist, or maybe something about being a sick-o, ooh, or better yet - you can be "Druggie"! lol Is that how you spell druggie? (Oh... That's the what say...)

Hmmm, maybe "Fish" is good. lol

Oh wait - Fish really should be Aqua and then you can use aqua for her color too! :)

Compared to...
- I suppose Crescive will work:
Um - no.

Since the only brushes I've really used much are the ones in computer programs, I really don't think that's a good nickname. Especially since I haven't used even those for a long time. I use paths more lately. Vector graphics are great. Even if I did paint, that one is way too cheesy and I'd have to stop reading your blog if you tried to call me that.

(btw I guess you could call it aqua, but I would call that color teal - which is a color I don't like.)(So much for not being picky...)

Yeah, Vancouver - stop being so picky about someone else's nickname. ha ha. (I hope you were talking about her and not me.)
And I don't think anyone wants to be named what they eat. (Besides, I know I'm not the only one that reads this blog that takes medicine everyday.)

I am sticking with my original request. Light blue and aquarium or crescive (or my real name that I've been using on the comments forever - btw Vancouver, I pointed that out a couple days ago).

Yeah. Stroke may be an option. I'm close enough to having one. -shakes head- It just occurred to me that these colors look really weird when you group them together on a black background...

12/17/07 Changes on the blog front...

Customize? Oh. YEAH! So as some of you may have noticed, I've added a few things to the blog. The thankful list, the picture. More is to come. (maybe) I'll work on it, but now I have to go. Sorry this post is very short, but I'm very interested in modifying everything! Bye!

Friday, December 14, 2007

12/14/07 Picky picky picky

- Brushstroke
Can't I at least be just fish?
or aquarium or if that's too long, aqua.
Since you were really tired, I won't get too mad. :)

I hope you enjoy the book. You know you can renew it if you need more time. (From 12/13.2/07)
Is that aqua? Anyway, I told you guys to submit requests for names and what not, so don't feel like you haven't been warned. XD -looks up- I guess Brushstroke will work for the time being. (here meaning the next time someone reads this...)

Yeah... About that... There's a waiting list. But it isn't all that bad. I figured out that it's better when you're listening to the sound track. (Don't ask how I figured it out...)

I don't have any specific reply to Vancouver's post, but it was good. -nods-

Okay, so The ice rink was good. I had fun. Definitely impressed with the Hip-O. -nods- He said it was his first time there and he was flooring it. Very good.

Only one disappointing thing. They didn't have my shoe size, so they gave me a larger one. -shakes head- Say hello to my little blister. He just moved in on my ankle. -looks at it- So little, yet so inconsiderate of what it's whacking with a chainsaw...

We had hot chocolate! (Gentlemenship pulls off. Everyone who was crowding at the front got a scalded tongue. Or at least most of them. The ones who didn't add cold water.)

Okay, so I think I'm done here. I've got fifteen chapters to read. Bye! -grabs book-

Thursday, December 13, 2007

12/13.2/07 COMMENTS?!?

I forgot! Okay, so Fishy is light blue. (no offense, but it's the only thing I can think of) Pink is... well, pink. Vancouver (names...) is green, anyone else have preference of what their color is?

As I said down there, \/ , I feel sleepy... Bye! I'll talk about the ice rink tomorrow...

12/13/07 Tired...

I figured out that the average chapter of The Bourne Identity takes about an hour to read, and it's due the twenty-first... So yeah... Twenty hours of reading before then. (These books that make you think aren't the best for light reading...)

So yeah, I fell asleep while wrapping up chapter 16. And I'm tired. I should read some more. It's starting to get interesting. (not that it wasn't before)

-sighs- I don't know how much I feel like writing. Everything seems blurry nowdays... Bye everybody.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12/11.2/07 WOOOOOOT!!!

FINALLY! It's done! I now know the perfect recipe for passing 100% required tests.

- Prayer before and after
- Happy Dance Song played several times throughout
- Several weeks of reviewing questions
- Multiple previous failures to tell you where you messed up
- Work area that is both comfortable and efficient
- Strawberry yogurt

So yeah, I think I'm done until next semester... Japanese, PE, and reading opportunities. ^^

Well, and chores and scouts and things like that. -does happy dance-

Maybe I should make noodles. You know, the awesome, unhealthy Chinese kind? So good...

BYE!!! -waves frantically-

12/11/07 Preparations...

Before we begin, I'd just like to let you guys know that if you don't like the comment idea, all you have to do is say so. It's not like you have to avoid posting just because you don't want to see the colors... Jk...

Okay, so tomorrow, as some know, the YW/YM will be going ice skating. Woot! I actually know I can do it this time. (I've already been there once this year.) Anyway, it should be great! And this it's evening. It won't be all warm or anything! ^^

Topic... Okay, so as the title suggests, I've been making some preparations. White boards and TV tray at the ready, Happy Dance Song open in another tab, Celtic music all organized. All the makings of a temper controlled afternoon... And I'll need it. This is about the fifth-ish try for the test thingy. (hurray...) I absolutely loath 100% required tests... No room for typos or brain freezes... Okay... -plays happy dance song- I gotta run. See ya!

Monday, December 10, 2007

12/10/07 The computer is slow...

It keeps acting like it doesn't want to work, and I need to take another swing at the retched test. (Yes, I'm still doing it. Dumbfound you, you sorry, pathetic typos! You don't deserve to live!) Yeah, I'm a little testy this morning...

So Saturday-ish Bjab went christmas shopping. I had no idea what I was doing. I mean, the secret project was going well, but I still needed to worry about Bja. (odd name...) So yeah, I found some things... One is rather hard to wrap. I'm having trouble, do you think I should try a bag? Or a box. A box might work...

Anna, please don't bark at the neighbors. I know if I let you out, you will, and I'll get upset, and I'll make another retarded typo, and I'll be stuck on this thing for another few days...

I have to go. I figure if I spend half an hour on each question I'll avoid disaster. (Then again, I've always dealt better on instincts... No. I'll confirm...)

I have to go. -does roundhouse kick on computer chair, picks it up, discreetly putting it back- I hate 100% tests... At least 98%. I would have had it on the first round... -sighs- Bye.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

12/09/07 Elves, gnomes, quotes, and comments

- Vancouver
"Oh I don't know, at the time Pink was pretty involved with the internet, their situations may be quite similar. But of course, not identicle.

I agree that elves are tall. (Have you SEEN Legolas? He ain't no dwarf... cause that would be Gimli.;) ) You're right, Santa must use gnomes. Now I'll have to tell Cadi that she's not one of Santa's elves anymore, she's one of Santa's gnomes. lol" (From 12/06/07)
I agree on the elves, but there are some major differences between TB and Pink. (Incidentally, the actor for Gimli was taller than Legolas. Funny, eh?)

- Pink
"Maybe there are different varieties of elves. :)

And, at least I learned a money-making hobby out of my hours on the net. :)" (Also from 12/06/07)
Okay, there are differences in elves, but not when it comes to height. When they're short, they're gnomes. -nods
Secondly, yes. Pink found ways to make it beneficial, rather than a mere time consumer.

Okay, So as you may have noticed, I'm trying a new comment response method. So if you'd like a certain color, just add it in the post. ^^

So we're having dinner now, so I have to go. Really quickly though. (once again, no comments on typos, I'm not proofreading...)

Elves, tall.
Gnomes, short.
How I see it. How my world is oriented. The end.

I've been thinking and I realize that if I ever become famous, I'll need to have quotes.
So here is one, but there'll be more later.

"Death is like an elevator. You're the one who decides which button you push, and the downward elevator doesn't have music."

I'll work on that. Potatoes cannot wait...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

12/06/07 -_- Hardly similar...

Well, at least Pink (Seriously, I need names... Hmm... Just a sec.) had a life outside of the internet. This is /all/ he does. It's getting to be disturbing. I mean, seriously. There are girls here, too. Even in the ward, for crying out loud. Is there any reason to want to look out of states? That and he complains about the dances when he doesn't socialize. I mean, if he would ask a girl to dance now and then, maybe he would like them better. Or the odd group dancing. That's always fun. But does he like that? No, he prefers to be separated by miles of cyberspace. (That's the right word, right?)

Anywho, Pink isn't at all relatable in this situation. I'm going to start working on some way to scramble the names a bit. You know, some code thing, maybe having to do with languages...

Wow, I am so not thinking clearly... A pox on all colds! (Odd thing, really, showing a desire for an illness itself to become ill...)

I haven't had much time for my charming little book. Book II of the Asylum reading marathon: Bourne Identity. Sadness. Maybe I'll get to it tonight. I've always like getting high on sugar and reading into the twilight.

So yesterday's activity with the youth was nice. I got to be an elf. ^^ I felt myself shrink fifty centimeters, although that may have just been the tall doors. Anyway, I never reallu liked Santa's elves much. Elves are tall, not short. I think he had gnomes. -nods- So I was a gnome yesterday. It was nice.

That'd be about it, except for the fact that we watched part of the Ten Commandments in seminary. We're in the Old Testament, you see. Anyway, that'd be about it now. I gotta run and pretend to be productive...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12/04/07 Alias

Sorry, just thought I'd post it again. I do like looking at it. I think I'll try making one of my own some day...

Spoiler warning. Once the text turns back to normal, it'll be okay for those you are sensitive about me talking about Digital Fortress. (Just highlight the text and it'll be fine.)

Alrighty! So I finished it yester- today at 12:07 this morning. I forgot to turn on my alarm clock... It was a good book. A few places that I felt the need to skip due to some unpleasant events, but I liked the plot. Basically, Ensei Tankado starts working for the NSA (National Security Agency) and eventually hears that they're planning to make a code breaking machine to make them able to read people's E-mails. He doesn't like it. So, he naturally spills the secret. The people ruin his credibility and he begins work on Digital Fortress.

Now, I could go through the whole story, but I'll just go over the basics. He wrote Digital Fortress and posted it on his website, letting people download it. The only problem was, it appeared to be encrypted with itself. The Algorithm for an unbreakable code, locked by itself. Naturally, the NSA want to have a look at it. Now, Tankado had said he was having an auction and that he would announce the winner at a specific time unless the NSA revealed TRANSLTR (the machine). Unfortunately, he was killed, messing up everybody's plans. To make a long story short-ish. Digital Fortress was merely a virus which would infect the NSA's data banks unless they revealed TRANSLTR, at which point Tankado would give them a code which would shut the virus down. The whole thing is a fast-paced thriller thing that never seemed to let you know what the feel solution was until the end. In sort, pretty interesting. (Plus very nice for getting yourself interested in codes.)

Okay, it's all clear now.

Back to business...

PP stands for Pumpkin Pie, which in turn is an alias for one of TB's friends. (The one he was dating online despite the fact that she's thousands of miles away and was several years younger than him. -four-) So yeah, I wasn't pleased that he found that that was something he should refrain from telling his parents until his younger brother caught wind and ratted him out, at which point he said they had settled it and that they were "just friends". Suspicious?

Once again. Boys... -shakes head-

Now, if it were someone we knew, who lived a little closer, who was closer to the same age, who perhaps shared some of his beliefs, maybe that would be better. I mean, he should be social, but not like /that/. Not when you're just a teenager. Long-distance relationships aren't all that stable when we're talking about teenagers. And them being completely different in age does not help.

I'll start talking about my life again tomorrow. I've ranted enough, I should think. I adjourn to my studies. -bows and vanishes in a puff of virtual smoke-

Monday, December 3, 2007

12/03/07 -whacks left eye with a rubber mallet-

I'm not happy with my eye right now... For the past- -glances at clock- forty-three minutes, my left eye has been draining out its fluids... Not the right one. Just the left. Getting on my homework, I might add. -whacks it again- Maybe it's allergies.
I feel the need to say something completely irrelevant, like two-tailed hornets having two stingers as well, but I think I won't.

I strangely don't feel like saying anything. It's probably the cold. I have a cold. I don't like it. My nose is giving my eye a bad example.

Towel boy wrote TB+PP=BFF on his arm yesterday. Made me want to wail on him. Honestly, there is such a thing as self control, and using the term 'best friend' is hardly a way to mask those idiots. No offense (Alright, maybe a little.), but he really is quite immature. Four years difference between teenagers is hardly acceptable, and saying that you're just friends when you know darn well that you're not is just stupid. Especially because he knows I read over his shoulder and know what stupid thing he's doing that day. Boys...

I need to read- Ew... Something in this tissue resembles a small slug... ANYWAY... I have issues.

I think it's time for a dunk in ice water... Or just water. Just something cold and wet. -walks off-

Slightly better. My eyes looks puffy, though. I gotta go. However lacking I feel this post is in the terms of uplifting gaiety, I have low hopes for possible outcomes of me continuing. As always, I'll see you later.


Friday, November 30, 2007

11/30/07 I'm not here

I'm going to be at the library ASAP. Both books that I got on hold will be there and I WANT TO READ THEM. Anyway, nice day today. Two people in seminary; I really don't need to tell you who, do I? Anyway, I'm gone. -waves and jumps onto bike-

Thursday, November 29, 2007

11/29/07 Why is it still in transit...

I must wait for my chain reaction book reading of doom... WHY??? So yes, I plan on reading Digital Fortress (I don't know much about it, but Hip-O seemed to like it.), The Bourne series, and then possibly Looking for Alaska. That one I know NOTHING about except that it was written by John Green (see brotherhood 2.0). So yeah... Preferably in the next month. I can't do that though because Digital Fortress is still in transit.

M posted a few comments recently, which I shall now try to respond to. (I'm forgetful.)

Happy dance song: Yes, it was certainly a very good song.

Age differences: I don't know, I could be a very young looking adopted person...

Possible reasons for refraining the books: One question, are said scenes violent, or just a more detailed idea of what Marie's and Jason's relationship? If it's the first, I'll live with it (No offense, mom.), if it's the second, I've always been good at knowing how far to skip ahead to get back to the actual story. If it's not one of those... I have no idea. Anyway, I doubt think I'll mind a few differences here and there. After all, if they were the same, why bother reading it? (I would still read it even if it was just the script for the movie...)

I think that's everything on the comment front.
The sock wars last night was extremely fun, despite the total disregard for honesty and following the rules. (I expect there'll be some mention of that later... Next priesthood lesson, maybe.)

I feel tired again. I gotta go do something besides staring at the same sentence over and over again. (This was the first post I had to do some editing on before I posted it..) When you're asleep. You tend to forget you already talked about things... Bye...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11/28/07 Now I feel old...

Well, that time of year is coming around again. Another year of life, and a rather exciting one, now that I think of it. Maybe not as exciting as last year's temple celebration, but with a family divorce and announcement of remarriage, it's definitely in the running for memorable years. I suppose it's natural to have events like this, but all the same, I sincerely doubt it's the typical subject of LDS family discussion...

Yeah, I hope I put the lights on right. I'm not sure of the best angle for them on the handlebars... Anyway, I guess some tests will answer that.

Well, I'm glad you guys got home safely. ^^ (Here referring to team Vancouver.) Quite a wonderful visit, if only a little... unusual, due to some announcements...

So, as always, I forget what I plan on saying and result to randomness.

As some of you may have noticed, I decided to date my posts to make them easier to keep track of. -nods- I know they have publishing dates, but these are more visible. Anyway, I'd better be attending to my duties. Christmas break isn't for another few weeks and I've got books I want to read! Bye!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27.2/07 Just a little modification...

11/27/07 Libraries, departures, and bike outfitting.

Well, about three hours ago I started working on attaching the awesome bike lights that the Rosers gave me to my bike. Thank you again!

So yeah, I think my bike is outfitted with all the needed gear for a good bike trip. Or missionary preparation...

After that was done, I wanted to take it somewhere! So I thought, I've been needing to get a replacement library card... Perfect! So I got one and sent in requests for Bourne Identity and Digital Fortress, two of the many books I've been meaning to read.

I'm still kind of getting used to the quiet... With two less dogs and not many plans for family get-togethers, life is reaching a sharp contrast. One thing I will say, though, I am definitely looking forward to getting my sleep pattens back in order. So tired...

Sorry, mom, I'm eating all your pie... I didn't mean to... It was just there, the foil partly open so you could see it and everything... I'm sorry! -top half of body falls on keyboard- w98444444444444444

Ahem! Yeah, sorry... (Why do my brothers like ramen so much??? They're making me hungry...)

Hubert doesn't much care for-

=---O_.------#o -squeak-

Oh... Thanks, Hedgy.

/| #o

Hubert and Hedge were out on a walk... Anyway. Hubert isn't a big fan of blogging.


Hedgy couldn't disagree more...

I gotta run, again. Bye!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The visit is over?

A very short week, indeed... Well, D&T left on Saturday, the canine tennis player is being picked up today, and team Vancouver is heading out some time tomorrow... It'll be very quiet soon. I've never fully grasped quiet. How can a lack of something be so noticeable? How can silence make so much of a difference when it is nothing? I do not understand it.

Project Pastfinder went alright, I suppose. It was okay. Could be better, but it wasn't a complete disaster.

Monopoly... There is still hope... -looks at clock- Let's see, if people get talking after dinner, there'll be a hard time trying to bring it up... A small question towards the beginning might work, though. Just get a string of conversation going that way... It might work.

I feel very tired. Between my loss of adrenalin and my recent turn in sleep pattern, I may very well be only half there most of the time. Of course, I do most of my best thinking when I'm half asleep. It gets the over-structured concious (No wise cracks.) out of the way. One of my socks is blue...

Hmm... -looks at Jason Bourne art- I think I'd like to mess with the colors a bit... Just for fun.

My knife found a nice home today. A little block of wood, just right for embedding into.

I think that's it. If it isn't, I'm sure someone else will have said it. -face falls on keyboard-


Hedgy: -gets out translator, shows it to screen- "Goodbye"

Saturday, November 24, 2007

-looks at titles of posts- Fitting...

Between the name of the blog and and titles therein, you can understand that my thoughts of being crazy aren't far off the mark.

Anyway... Happy Turkey Day! Sort of...

Family visiting, staying up until 3:00 A.M., what could be better?

By the way, thank you Rosers! My B-day is on Saturday, but they couldn't be here then, so we opened their awesome gifts last night. Japanese Book of Mormon and a set of bike lights! Isn't it just made of Awesome!?! (I here that in Japan, people bike a lot. Awesomeness...) Yeah, it's kind of funny, Mom said she got me a Nihon BoM, too. -nods- Those things are great... Hard to read at the moment, but great. ^^ The bike lights are good, too. And bright. O.O

Uh, I forget what I plan to say, but I really like when relatives visit, especially siblings. So, sort of going off of this, I am thankful for:
- Siblings (near and far)
- Turkeys that you can eat- That's it! Thanksgiving! Just a sec, I'll get to it.
- Reports that are finally out of the way -sighs with relief-
- Dragons that are made of awesome
- Dogs that don't cry (Tuffy, there is NOTHING UNDER THE DRESSER. WHY ARE YOU WANTING ME TO LOOK AT IT EVERY FIVE SECONDS???) Yeah, Tuffy is good. A little obsessive about something I apparently can't see. (And she won't even tell me what it is...)

So, Turkeys. It was late. We ate around 6:30ish. Normal dinner time if you don't take into consideration that it's Thanksgiving... Still, we played phase ten, learned a few card tricks, heard stories, visited with dad's fiance. (The phrase just makes me shudder. It doesn't feel right...)

It was gooood.

Hedgy, can you look under the dresser?

Anything? Okay, fine. I'll look. I got to run. Bye!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Really though, it's good!

Who would have guessed that a clorox commercial would be so captivating... I like the music and must play it constantly...

I also must eat strawberries....

Double ego-boost coming up...
So Ri, L, and I are sitting in seminary someday, (I think it was yesterday) and Bro. Bishop said that he was in a meeting with the other bishops in the stake and was talking to our bishop, bishop of the happy ward, and was talking to him about seminary. You know, how only people from the stake center are active and not so many people from his actual class. And in this, he referred to us as the Three Nephites. Moreover, Bishop Y knew who he was talking about! Understood, how many people came to the happy ward who are seminary aged and used to be from the Red Brick Building? All the same, I do a happy dance. -does happy dance-

For the 1/13454791 of you that watched some of Brotherhood 2.0, specifically a certain date that I can't remember, I think my happy dance is more arm oriented...

I better go. There is work to be done and a mere day to do it... (Talk about stress!) Really, I suppose some of it is less important, but the rest of it is on the higher region of my Little-Black-Dog-From-OZ list...

Thankfulness is goooood!
-That there are /not/ hidden cameras by the computer...
-Diversity of foods, currently chocolate things
-Doggos! (We gonna have three here today!)
-The Early Morn's! (Top of the day, all downhill from there. [But it's uphill when it's time for bed. ^^])
-Tennis balls? (For those of you who know the Tuffy, you know why there's a '?'. Energeticness is good, but it really wears out your arm after the one hundred thirty-second time. I decided to keep a tally this visit...)

Today in seminary we all went to Micky D's. (As Brother Bishop called it.) It was nice, we all talked. Saw the new renovations they made to it. The lights... They are different... All in all, pretty fun. (Could do with more people, though. There was only Brother Bishop, L, and I there...)

Okay, so that about wraps it up. See ya everybody!

Monday, November 19, 2007


So, I'm just starting to grow hair and you're saying you're old? Now, if I was beginning to /lose/ hair, then that might make more sense, but...

Anyway, you're not old. I just mature quickly. Just kidding.

So uh, I'm getting towards the end of my algebra thingy so I'll have to talk to brother/mr. Stall and see about changing the class soon. Currently I'm on the annoying exam where you have to get 100% or you redo it. Not entirely difficult. Just annoying... -shakes head-

Thanksgiving is coming up, soon in light of that I've been thinking about getting the old thankful list back up. (Is there something on blogger where I can have it to the side?)

Just to make sure I don't forget, I'm thankful for:
- The human senses, namely sight at the moment
- The little dust bunnies that make you feel good when you're sweeping (You feel like you're accomplishing so much...)
- The awesome religion we have the honor of being a part of
- Dogs and other fluffy animals
- Ways of communications that don't include grunting or beating things with clubs

That should be good for now. I'll have to save some for later if I'm going to be doing this everyday...

Well, I'd better be going. I've got an annoying test to finish and an equally annoying report. See ya!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wow... Like, way wow...

HAVE I GOT A STORY FOR YOU? Okay, get this. This post comes in several parts:

He did WHAT?
Secret project
Waist of time
Strange obsessions...

Alrighty, to start off, everyone here knows that my parents got divorced a while back, right? (I figure you do, seeing as I don't know anyone who reads this who isn't a close relative...) Yesterday my dad took each of the boys to the dog park to talk. In this conversation, he said that he was seeing someone and that last Tuesday (it was Tuesday, right?) he asked her to marry him. Crazy stuff! So yeah, this should definitely be interesting.

Also, yesterday I started shaving! It feels so smooth... It'll take a good deal of getting used to, but I love the Japanese razor the Rosers gave the boys for christmas some years back. They are awesome and small. XD And they're easy to clean. ^^

I can't tell you everything, (not that you guys don't know it) but BJAB saw the first success of the Christmas '07 project! It tastes so good...

This one happened a few days ago, and probably only makes sense to Dancing D (nicknames...)
because I'm pretty sure he's the only one besides me who plays this. You see, I cataloged all of the Warlord cities and organized them into groups of four. (The good army sets) Also, I made the perfect army. Eight Heros, one who had been to every single ruin on the map, and all of them visiting the four temples. Scary, no? But it does not end there. They have support staff. Namely and eight pack of dragons and a couple navys. Lord Bane never saw it coming... -evil grin-

Okay, this one requires some knowledge of TV commercials. For any of you you have seen the Clorox commercials with the mermaid/pirate, you know what I'm talking about! The music is wonderful... So I ran a search online and found a youtube video which combined the two! This later came in handy so I could convert it into and audio thing (when I say 'I', I mean me looking over Sharp Shutter's shoulder) A little tweaking in iTunes and I made it looping! XD Here's a link:

Wonderful song...

So... Good enough to post out of pattern? Definitely too good to wait for Monday.

See ya, everybody!

Friday, November 16, 2007


All I feel like saying at the moment is that Towel boy is beginning to get on my nerves. Here he spent TWELVE hours straight on the computer yesterday, and then another SEVEN (The usual. He's on all morning while I'm doing school work, then gets off at noon-ish when I blog and do Algebra) today, and yet he still complains about me annoying him about getting off. He knows darn well that eleven and onward is the time I WILL kick him off. I have work, he's playing. Does he care??? No. -shakes head- No.

#o -growls-

|..Towel..| ¬O{

I'm not happy with him. At all.

-gets strawberry yogurt-

-gets another strawberry yogurt-

I think he thinks I don't deserve to be able to kick him off.

I love you, mom! We have yogurt again. Life is tolerable.... Seminary+Strawberries= 100% Awesome. -nods-

-looks up- Hmm, it's only a towel...

-Hubert's fish shoots holes through towel-

I wonder if Sharp Shutter can turn off the internet... Individually, that is. Only some sites, only some people. (TB; Neopets, possibly Gmail)

I gotta go, I'm half an hour late. -eats more yogurt-

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


About brotherhood 2.0, some of them can be avoided. You know, like when they warn you about it. Like today. So yeah. It's good. Most of the time.

Loading - Please wait...

ARRRRRRRRRG!!!! -smashes head through piece of paper- So much cheaper than computers...

Anyway, the computer is mean. One power outage and it thinks it's not worth trying. WORK!!!! I found the power strip thing and reset it, so it sort of works now.

To the main subject of the post.

Brotherhood 2.0! I've mentioned it before, (I think...) but I just wanted to say it again. It is good. The reason for this currently is a song that one of the Nerdfighters/Secret siblings/Awsome people made. Link below....

Yeah, it's one of those things that makes you want to do something energetic. (In case you're wondering about what the heck I'm talking about, you can find out by going to It's funny.)

So yeah, that's about it. Um... bye! -plays song again, along with some of Hank's songs-

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No seminary???

Well, it doesn't mean there won't be people getting up early. It's kinda nice, really. I got a head start on the day, which is good, because I need to go to the library later. Apparently there's some thing about reports not writing themselves. Too bad... Anyway, I've got two weeks now, (With visiting relatives...) so I better get a move on. It's only four pages, though. I had a seven page history of Wilford Woodruff, so maybe this won't be so bad. (Although that one wasn't the greatest.) Maybe I'll start drafting ideas today and start compiling them around Thursday. Lots of reading... Anyway, I gotta dash. There are a few things to look up and I still need to do Algebra.

Before I go, though, I'd better post.

Um, so L called yesterday and informed me that there wasn't going to be any seminary today. Bro. Bishop is having surgery. @.@ It didn't sound too serious, but it's still a little scary. It's odd, though. I think he'll be back for seminary tomorrow... I guess he was never one to stay in the hospital long. -shrugs-

Um, there are things I need to remember, but I don't...

Oh well, I have to run. Bye!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Camp outs, random things, and a non day off

Alrighty, Friday and Saturday were the camp out days.

5ish Everybody met at Bro. Fs
5-? Everybody hung out
? Dinner
More hanging out
8ish Campfire
9-11 Movie time! (Transformers - More on this later)
11:00-1:30 Foosball, card games, and random sleep deprived activities (most people were asleep)
1:45 Scripture reading (I didn't even know I was rereading what we had read the night before...)

6:30 Wake up and pretend to be asleep while packing up inside the tent.
8ish Show face around the time we were getting ready for breakfast
Planning meeting
More hanging out
Hanging out again (Trampoline dodgeball in the rain... Good.)

So we had a good time. I'll probably bring this up again later, but now I have to go. Veteran's Day is good, but I must fulfill my duties... Bye!

PS: Hedge is fine, he had some cheerios earlier.
#o -squeaks-

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#o -munches on wires-

-lights go out- Great...

Not that one, the other one....

Yes, that one- NO! NOT THAT ONE! -ZAP!-

Why am I lying on the floor?

I think this is the right one. Don't touch it.
-lights start flickering-

Um... I think the power's back on... -pulls Hedgy away from circuit-

So how are you guys doing? -looks up at flickering light, kicks it-

-lights go out again- Uh... Hedge, can you fix this.

#o >=

-lights turn on- Hmm, pliers... Why didn't I think of that...

Okay, so it's all better now. Um, I can't really stay long. I've got some things that need taking care of. Mainly my dismal life. But there's a youth temple trip, so it should be fine. I like doing baptisms for the dead. It should be nice.

I might stop here. I always forget what I was going to say... So uh, I go...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

-racks brain for ideas-

Too many things to think about... It makes my head hurt.

I sort of like the idea of doing some random creative writing about Thomas Edison and his impact on global warming. I think it'd be a fun thing to try. But first, I think I'll do the everyday research report about him. Weak, I know, but it'd give me a chance to get some better details about him. So yeah, I may very well be doing two reports this month. (and just like that, my head hurts again)


Hmm, the Renaissance era seems to be a pretty nice time to live in. (except for the fact that the gospel was completely removed from the earth) I mean, things were coming out of the dark ages and they still had castles. What could be better? Plumbing, cars, electricity, buildings taller than mountains, dams, food-o-plenty, entertainment in more forms than you can count (admittedly, over half are immoral, but the rest are good), medicine, hygiene products, nuclear weapons (maybe not the best icon of our day), terrorism (also not the greatest), and who knows what else. So yeah, life is one of those things that rocks and stinks no matter what happens. The Millennium! That's when I want to live! (I think I have some repenting to do before then... Sorry, Andrew, I could help it, but there would be no fun in that.)

-glances at the clock- It's 1:00?!?!?!?!? Hubert, could you take over, I gotta go.

Hubert: I'm on lunch.

Me: Thanks, Hubert.

Hubert: -sighs- Hey, Hedge, say something to the people.

#o -squeaks, then goes over to keyboard-


-finds translator-

I no find glue for you. Is too pink. Needs salt for monument. Pretzels!

Hubert: º-º I think the translator's broken.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Change in style...

Well, last night I totally wiped out the computer layout and modified what everything looks like. It's kinda nice... Everything is silver, now. Less blue. I even added a little picture of that Bourne thing. (it needs a name...) It seems happy over there in the corner. Very nice. Yeah, I've also been getting ready for the campout this weekend. Mostly trivial things like matching up awesome things. I've decided on leaving the water pack and sticking with the canteen. First field test! I figured out that you take it out of the case, not off of the belt... So much easier. So that'll be nice. I'm bringing the satchel. (it's only going to be in the Bro. F's backyard, so I don't think it's in much danger) Also, camo will be going. Standard set there. Probably not the uniform. -looks at belt- I wonder what else I could put on here...

I need to get to work. (short, huh?)

I'll try to write more later. /Try/, no promises. It may have to wait until tomorrow. Ja Mata!

Monday, November 5, 2007

-shakes clock viciously-

Even with fall back I'm STILL late... Curse you clocks! Curse you! I've got Algebra I need to do. Then Japanese, a four page research report due the twenty-sixth, chores, packing for this weekend's camping trip, calling people about scouts, preparations for Tuffy to visit, and who knows how much else... Now, understandably, not all of that has to be done today, but darn well most of it does... I've been falling into idleness. I need to listen to Bourne music and stay focussed. -thinks about making to do list which could be hung from a nail in my head- Scary thought...

So really quickly in the negative half an hour that I have to finish this by, I'll go over what happened Friday and all that. Friday was take your army to work day at the asylum (not the hidden one). So yeah, the boys went with mom to work, had fun, did good stuff, ate lunch, went ice skating, didn't do Japanese like he was supposed to- STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! -hits head repeatedly-

GOOD TIMES. Really though, it was nice. (except for not doing Japanese...)

That's about it. DOn't tell me about typos, I'm not even bothering with checking this timem. I'm late, okay? When I'm late, I try to type faster than I should and I miss things. Now, church was good, as usual (big surprise) and I learned some of the workings of the new ward. Good stuff, we have a flag, here. /also, I learned that I'll be having Sis. M teaching sunday school next week. (they're kicking me out of the class. Apparently I'm too old for them and the only reason I was thhere was because I didn't have a teacher yet. Confound these distractions!!!!!

I gotta go. Like half an hour ago. I'm late. So I'm going... Bye.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

-jaw drops-

Well thank you for making my last post look stupid... Comment explosion... Um, I might not get to say anything about today... Oh yeah, happy halloween-ish. I've always thought that was stupid. Number one, who said halloween is a happy holiday? Shouldn't it be "Have a dreary halloween?" Second, I just find that the moral codes for halloween and the world in general are dropping like rocks.

So yeah, comments... Um, Hubert, could you help me out here?

Hubert: -reads through comments-

Me: Alternating?

Hubert: Sure.
(From Woot! Paper...)
About the grammar:
-Yeah, I'm quite good with an eraser, aren't I? I went to Bro. Bishop's LESSON.

Me: (From MIA)
First of all, no one gets in here when I'm gone, okay? Maybe Hedgy will have to take care of that. He seems to know how to keep an eye on things. -gives hedgy a slug-
About the monkeys:
-Second, I must admit the identification for the monkeys was a stroke of genius for me. The mute one was a little tricky, though...

Hubert: (From -yawns-)
About faces and projects:
-The Mindweaver project is a level 2 security file. (Meaning it's hardly confidential. Kept from most, but openly displayed to those who look.) The Mindweaver project is a simple method of keeping creativity at its height. Basically, a series of short stories with the purpose of getting used to the idea of plots and writing. It's a training platform.
-The faces, I think, are a bit of a joke. o_O/o.O = Simple question marks put into internet smiley sort of form. º-º = Odd little stare. O.O/O_O/@_@/@.@ etc. = Surprise. ^^ = Happy. You get the idea. They're faces. ...With eyes the size of my head...

Me: (From Here...Kitty)
About 'Mites and cats:
-The Mechimites are part of an experimental weapons project, level 4 security department. I'd rather not say more. (Not for the average guy on the street...)
-Yes, after R&T's party, Joe found a cat. This being halloween season (may the very holiday wither to dust), we thought we should get it off the streets. Now we're looking for its owner.
-By the way. Thank you very much for spotting that leson thing... -checks to make sure spell checker works-

Hubert: (From ...No one has commented...)
About ice, work, staff, lesions, and hedgehogs:
-Yes, the ice should be fun, but I know nothing about it.
-He, he, he. All I've got is message running and the occasional odd job here and there.
-Aw, why thank you. I've got fans. Of course, my fans also seem to like crazed primates, so I don't know what to think...
-No, I don't think he would do that... Just erased chalkboards.
-Sorry, I've already got him on hold. That and it'd be a bit of a walk for him. He's no Sonic, I'm afraid.

Me: So there you have it. A half hour later and I'm finally done. Thanks, Hubert.

Hubert: Don't mention it. -leaves-

Back to me again: Alright, I gotta go. Hedgy found something in the wiring again...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wow, no one has commented in a week...

I think they're too busy staring in shock at my questionable mental state. Oh well, I haven't had much time for it. What with the monkeys, the story I'm supposed to be writing, schoolwork, scoutwork, housework, churchwork, Halloween work (not a top priority), and who knows how many other things. -sighs-

Hubert, you should learn housekeeping and help me out a bit.

Hubert: I don't have thumbs.

Me: You disabled the alarm, took out the guards, and broke into my room easily enough.

Hubert: Hedgy did most of that. He wanted more slugs.

Me: Fine, then. Where's Hedgy?


Hi, Hedgy, haven'y you always dreamed of cleaning the living room.
. .\
#o m

Nice mop. -tosses a slug to hedgy- Thanks.

You know, Hubert, I'm pretty sure people worse off than you have cleaned a house before.

Hubert: Were they made out of sticks?

Me: Some.

Anyway, I have to go again. -sighs- Something to do with the list above. But there are a few things I want to note. Team Concord might be going ice skating this Friday. We'll have to see, but it should be fun. Also, there's a ward party tonight. Yay.

Okay, now I go. -waves-

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

Last night was rather nice. Plenty o' clouds. Bjab went around the park to put up 'found cat' signs.

-glances up- I don't thing it'll rain here... -sighs-

-hubert walks through door-

What? Do you think this is your room now?

Hubert: The monkeys are doing something to the Mechimites.

Me: Which ones?

Hubert: The Russians, to the surveillance squad.

Me: Fine, I'll head down there later.

-hubert leaves-

#o -squeak-


> .

Uh... What was that?





#o -squeaks-

Annnnnyway, things are going well-ish. I had something I wanted to say, but I forgot... OH! I remember! Yesterday I got t– #o -squeak-

Uh... Thank you... What was I saying?

...I lost it.
Oh, don't give me that innocent look. You just cost me one of my few conversation topics.

-puts slugs in a bowl in the next room-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #o

Bye, Hedgy.

So yeah, I forgot what I was going to say. Again. I had a dream that Bro. Bishop was giving chalkboard erasing lesions.... It was weird. I liked the cornmaze one better. I found a sniper rifle and a decent side arm. Only the side arm was any good until I got to the tower. I liked the power-ups. Apparently, it was an odd game of laser tag. I got out of the maze, once. Didn't like what I found. Ran back for dear life. So... I'm bored... Oh yeah!

One more thing before I go. Last night we had a power outage and we had to reset everything. I forgot to turn on my alarm, too! I was late for seminary. -sighs- But still second of the five who were there. Sad. L was taking peoples' fingerprint's.

Glad that I cover my tracks? Oh yes... Not really, he was just seeing what they were for a class of his... I think. Bye!

Monday, October 29, 2007

-rummages through medicine cabinet-

I have a headache...


-glances at old posts-

Hubert, how'd you get access to the record banks?

Hubert: The monkeys.

Me: How'd they know how to get in?

Hubert: They know everything.

Me: Right...

Okay, so I'm back now, and more or less better off. Friday was nice. R&T's Party was awesome, as usual, and there were odd worms in the punch. Gummy... Saturday was one of those productive days you don't want to do more than once. As many know, we have a dumpster here for a week, so we're cleaning. The old yellow freezer is gone now. (scary) I guess that's cool. Also, we KOed the deck big time. Sludge hammers, regular hammers, fists. That thing came down. Mom seemed a little upset, but when you think about it, it just makes it easier if we ever were thinking about a pool! (I'd still like the idea of a deck, though. Just not here. Maybe when I start having a family. LOOONG way away...) Tree forts are goood. Roofs are a good idea, though. Or drains. Both. I think the deck was taking a good deal of water damage. (it's been around a while)

Uh... Sunday was Sunday. Church was excellent. I like my teachers, especially Bro S.. Poor guy, we have a restless class. The family got together and ate a pumpkin. (stuff was inside it... o.O)

I think that's all. I've had very little time to work on the Mindweaver Project, so bear with me.

Uh... I think I need to go now. Bye!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Hubert: As you may have noticed, Renolds has been gone for a short while. While this should not yet be a concern, we still have appointed a section of the troops into looking into his possible location. Rest assured that they will have accomplished their task by Monday.

-two monkeys come in-

Hubert: You're the English ones, right? I'm telling you, I can never tell you apart.

Monkey #1: -points to badge-

Project Smokescreen:
Intelligence department

Hubert: Okay... what's that tell me?

Monkey #2: It's in English, isn't it?

Hubert: Hmm, yes, I suppose it is. So how is our project going?

Monkey #1: We're on schedule, but there's a problem with some of the equipment.

Hubert: Okay, and what's the problem?

Monkey#1: They're lousy. We'll have to alter them.

Hubert: How much is that gonna cost us?

Monkey #2: We accept checks or bananas.

Hubert: Okay, but how much?

Monkey #2: We'll let you decide how valuable we are.

Hubert: Okay then...

-monkeys leave-

-hubert picks up phone-

Hubert: Hello, I'd like to bring up 250 bunches of bananas to the intelligence department, suits 42 and 39.

Yes, 250 each.

Yeah, preferably today.

Um... Okay. I'll be right down.

Yeah, bye. -hangs up-

Okay, I gotta run. Apparently I have to examine 500 bananas to make sure they're good. -hubert leaves-

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Woot! Paper!- Wait, what'd you say???

No one got hurt??? What about the pen??? I had a 0.5 mm ballpoint pen stuck in my hand! Just kidding, it's fine, now. No permanent injuries. Ooh, maybe I'll have a blue scar... Nifty.

I finally remembered to bring paper to Seminary! XD

What was I going to say... It was vaguely important. I wonder how the wishlist thing is going... Back on track, here. Where is it... Uh... I need to whack my head against something. Our Perky little young men's group seems lame. Hopefully things will improve, soon. First off, separate patrol campouts??? Have they seen the number of boys who come??? It'd be like two people. Really fun. And so much for the older boys being examples to the little people. -shakes head- Imma go now. -glances back- @.@ Did I do that??? Hubert, could you get that?

Imma[]....I think I'll

Thanks, Hubert.

Alright, now I go. Bye! ^^

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No pens...

Getting stabbed with a pen is not fun... Here you are, doing your schoolwork. You move to put the pen cap back on, but wham! You miss the cap and stab yourself. Ink and blood don't mix. Well, they do, but they shouldn't. Thankfully I was able to squeeze it out, though. Painful process. Anyway, it's all taken care of. I organized my schoolbooks, again. The Tower of Power just gets bigger, doesn't it? I have the Satchel section, Scouts section, Church section, Random section, and a greatly expanded School section... Still, it seems to work. And only 55 centimeters by 45 centimeters of floorspace! Efficiency is gooood.

I may have to move Japanese from School to Random. It seems like a tight fit... Complicated stuff.

So uh, during Seminary (Well, before...) Bro. Bishop's car got broken into (Not the one he was driving.) Yeah, they drove off (They break into a car and have an escape vehicle?) and almost hit L and his dad. Nice maneuvering, Bro. H. Yeah, so there was some action. And it all seemed to happen right when we got there. L, Bro. Bishop, and I all got there at about the same time. Strange... L thought we should have a stakeout at the church. I mean, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. People have been going in and unlocking doors, too. -nods- Maybe a stakeout would be a good idea.

Uh... so there's been a bit of excitement today. Not the fun excitement, though. -sighs- I should be working. I have to go. Bye!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Better than expected

Well, the little educational experience wasn't that bad. (Not that it normally is.) Things are going well. Japanese and PE I need to work on, though. More logs and what not. (How do I always forget these things?) I do like the Bourne music. I have to check if the Library has them. -looks at note on wall- "Memory is like the ocean: It comes and goes like the crashing waves and erases all else from our minds. The sand of our immediate thought cannot retain our desired reminders alone, but requires other forms of record." Two choices, then. "Do it now," (My personal favorite.) or "write it down." (Also good) I'll be right back...

It has it, but I'd have to be on hold. And I can't find my library card... Unfortunate. Oh well, I'll find it later.

Um, I forgot what I was going to say..

I guess I stop here... Bye everybody!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Darn computer is sick. It didn't even let me post Fri-Sat. -glares- Anyway, I've got a few things to say in the fifteen minutes I have before church. First, Mom sent everyone the wishlist thing, right? I updated mine, sort of. I'll have to check everyone else's every now and then. -nods-

Secondly, I went to the stake dance last night. More on that later, but suffice it to say, I had a good time.

Thirdly, I DID IT!!!!! I think.

Jason Bourne has good taste. Oi, who would have guessed it would take an hour to make a copy-ish thing of that. I like it. A lot. Another one of those things that you can stare at for a long time. So life is good.

Tomorrow the... What is he again? Well, some the person who was ES and is now something I don't know is coming. Tests and education related conversation. Yay.

I must go now. What a shame. Anyway, see ya!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I don't like this.

I feel disinclined to talk today. Certain frustrating topics with frustrating people. I now value mimes very highly. And monks. Both can take vows of silence, never to speak again... It sounds like a decent idea.... for everyone else. Or at least something to prevent interruptions. If you don't understand something, SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Saves time.

As you can tell, I feel grumpy. -resists urge to play some game that involves violence- Definitely wouldn't help. Maybe I should take up a non-online journal... I suppose it'd be a good idea. Less people would read it and get upset. (Yes, there are plenty of hurtful things I could be saying. Not usually about relatives, but I've had my moments.) Celtic music is nice... BUT NOT FAST ENOUGH. I need to calm down. I can't work when I'm not calm. I need to work. It's in my nature. I wonder if it'd be better if I blasted it. TB thinks it's funny when I max the volume listening to Celtic music. Why are there no strawberry-related foods in the kitchen? I can't even find the yogurt...

-hits head repeatedly- This works surprisingly well.

And there's the headache... Wonderful. -turns down the Celtic music.- Ooh! I like this song! -turns it back up-

-and back down-

#º Hedgy? What's the meaning of life?

Hedgehog: º-º...

Me: Okay... Uh... Thank you.

-looks at mutilated paper- My handwriting is horrible when I lose my calmness. I need to be mellow. Otherwise I explode. -turns music down again-
. . .

Yeah, I get it. We're here to gain a body, get experience, and to be tested. It's called a rhetorical question.

I'm done now, right? ...I'll take that as a yes. I hate schoolwork... Goodbye, people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

-says hello to the little floating speck in the sunlight-

Oh, we're on? Sorry about that. Quickly! To the comments! Miriam, I would go swimming at any temperature. -as long as the water is reasonable- You must remember, I went swimming in the snow once. It was good. (Just make sure you dry off thoroughly...) Yeah, so we could still have indoor pools, even if it was too cold. -nods- Problem solved!

In10sity is good. It's like a trivia game where the answers are numbers between one and ten. Very fun.

I here a phone call. Oh well, TB will get it. I here another one now...

So uh, I've determined that someone is trying to reach us...

It's for Sharp Shutter.

I'm bored. And my head is bugging me. Do you know how you just have that splitting head ache that lasts for about five seconds? I keep getting those today.

-whispers- I can't think of anything...

Hubert: -stops eating hot dog- What? I can't hear you.



Hubert: Oh... Um...

}O #º

Me: Why is there a hedgehog here? o_O?
. . o
. . .º
. . o

Me: Nevermind...

I got to run. Bye!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pulsating never helped anyone!

Slooooow- Fast! Slooooow- Fast!

WHERE IS THE BALANCE??? Same with the seasons. I don't much care for them. If it was always the same, I probably wouldn't be as hot during the summer. (Not that it'd always be hot. It'd be cold.)

Uh, so anyway, I haven't posted in ages. Well, days, but still... We had a very fun-packed weekend! Busy weekend, too. -nods- He got to visit D&T! The ocean is nice. (I still like the mountains.) D&T are nice, too. And smart. Um, so Friday we packed up. (Hence me not posting. I didn't post, right? -checks- Yep, okay, so now you know.) Saturday we drove.
And drove.

And drove. But then we were there! (We were sending text messages. And using Medieval terms and speech.) They had a purple banner on their door! So then we went to the beach. Hot dogs and smores are Goooood. If only the scouts could see that... Maybe without the smores, though. They're too sticky for campouts. No sinks...

Um, then we played In10sity! Fun! And we watched movie previews! And then we went to sleep. Such wonderful sleep. (I took TB's sleeping pad after a long battle. XD I almost lost my pillow.)

Next day. Sunday. Church. At nine o'clock. Not one. Nine. Difference. But a good one! Um, I noticed an odd thing. Their ward seemed to be the complete opposite as our old one. Well, in one field. There were way more girls than guys there. Not common in our old ward. Moving on! We played more In10sity, watched a few movies (Good ones.), conversed, ate food, and once again slept. (What a wonderful thing...)

Monday did not go as planned. We were going to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, but uh... We got distracted. We found a park! A park of dreams that was made of awesome! ...And hills and sand and metal and stuff... And spongy ground! And bridges. We stayed there a while. Then spent about two hours at the Aquarium. Then we went home. That is all.

Not really, there's a lot more, but that'll wait until tomorrow! -waves-

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pink shirts

Hmm, I guess you might be De. The only thing I didn't get was your name-ish-thing was in all lower-case. Then again, surprisingly good grammar for most random people online... And Blogger does strange things with comments sometimes... And De does wear pink a lot. Yeah, you're De. GitPS takes so long to type, though... Hmm... Maybe Pink. Pink is easy. It sort of fits... So let's just go over what we've got.

Mom (She doesn't need much a nickname, right? How many moms are there in the world?)
An Towel boy
Jo Sharp shutter
De Pink (It needs something more. But what?)
Hmm... What's a good name for Ru? Stamper is too... Obvious? Something more original...
To So many names...
Es I guess I'll get back to these two...
Mi... I know what De would suggest, but I doubt M would be happy about it.
Da Something tall...
Te Something purple?
Sa Vancouver? Not nearly original enough...
Ry Too many relatives...
Ac Must think of names...
Au So many names...

Okay... Lots of open spaces here. Any suggestions? No aquariums... Sorry.

Why must I always go? -sighs- Bye!

WAIT! THE ACTIVITY! Alright, so last night was... interesting. It was one of those 'get to know each other' sort of things. Fun, lot's of games, and rootbeer floats. Well, and dueling and leprechaun hunting... So it was nice.

Now I'm gone! -looks at mirror and screams- My head... It is missing...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


One hundred posts as of yesterday... I guess it's not all that surprising. Anyway, a few quick things before I struggle to think of something to say:

Hi there, person I've never seen before. I had no idea anyone other than immediate relatives even saw this... Um, to answer your question, I know Supremacy does. I'm not sure about Identity, and I'm not sure if Ultimatum is even out yet. I think they sell the song separately, though... Somewhere... Where did I see that? -looks through computer history-

Hmm, I can't find it. Amazon might have it, or iTunes. Somewhere like that. So yeah, I hope that helps. After reading it over, it looks like random rambling... Do all my posts look like that? I guess they do... Even the stories are random... I like the grass one. I should edit it a bit more, now that I don't have a deadline for it to be turned in. Give it an actual ending, instead of a half hour scribbled out conclusion...

So, yeah. De was great. Played with me when I was young, took care of me when I was younger.

Um, is that it for comments? I think so.

Activity! Sort of. It's a meet and greet kind of thing. Youth from the new ward are meeting at 7:30. Get to know everyone. Find out how large a troop we might have for scouts now. And try to convince more people that I'm not related to my brother. He's bringing his towel again... And the superman shirt... Jake Renolds, don't fail me now. I look like a Jacob, don't I? I could pull it off. -nods- Hmm, they might have little nametags... -glares at the idea- Maybe they won't.

I think that's it, so without further adieu, I vanish.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wow. I have a lot to say, for once. Weekends...

Alright, maybe I'll start with the most recent one and move back.

You never really understand relationships you have with people until you find that they are slightly farther off. Mom just sent me an e-mail from De's blog (Nicknames... I need them.). Almost made me cry. It always surprises me how much she kept from before. Some, I'm not even sure how she kept them. (How does one save an instant message conversation?) I mean, I still like her and I remember a lot of the good times we had, but now that I don't see her as often, they seem so much harder to bring back. (I'm losing my memory already...) Whenever I see her, I feel happy, like some of times we shared are coming back. I only wish that I could have cherished those times more. (When you're young, you don't really appreciate things as much as you could.) I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Not to put down my other siblings. I like them, too, but like she said, we've always been close. (Could it be that I was the youngest boy in the family and she was the youngest girl?)

It occurs to me that I'm not nearly as good at writing emotional things as she is... I need practice.

Okay, next on the list of subjects. (Slightly abrupt, I know, but there was a short time between this and the previous topic.)

I got the Bourne supremacy soundtrack yesterday. AWESOMENESS! I like it. Also, yesterday included mom and the boys going shopping for new mattresses. Curious thing, shopping for mattresses... There's a lot of lying down involved... O_o So yeah, that was... interesting. Pretty comfy, though. -nods- I fell asleep on the couch so I slept for about half an hour on the new one. A nice half hour, but interrupted by the alarm clock. -glares- I feel a bit more awake though. -decides not to mention that I blacked out at 9:30- So early... I'm used to around eleven or so. So...

Conference! Awesome, as usual. Our family continued a good deal of our traditions. Such wonderful traditions... Most of you know them. I took notes! (For seminary and personal reasons.) I loved this one talk that mentioned a street sign.

Easy st.


Very good. ^^

Alright, so next would be... Nothing? I think so... What happened Friday? Oh yes, I love the Bourne music. One of those kinds of things that keep you awake while driving. (You can see why I like listening to it.)

So, I guess this is it. Bye! -needs to work on schoolwork-

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The story is still in progress

I haven't forgotten about it yet. I just haven't had much time to work on it. I'll try to get the next installment up soon, though, so don't worry.

Also, never try using a picture a camera phone took to show off a cool thing on a wall. BAD quality. By the time it was on the computer, it was lousy. No good for something so awesome. I'll see if I can make a better replica. (When I have time. So maybe never.)

Um... Yeah, life is good. Konnichi Wa, minasan! Ogenki desu ka.

Translation: Good day, everyone. How are you?

I think. I'm not sure if I spelled those right. I think so, but it's hard to tell, seeing as how spell checker doesn't have other languages.

So... I might be dropping off here. Fans are nice.

Oh yeah, Seminary was less than full today; three people. Yep. L, Ri, and me. Maybe people were avoiding test day... (How could they???)

Hmm, I telemarketer just called. Decent this time. Actually a human. And understandable, no less. Anyway, I better be off. Things to do, people to frame- I mean meet. Bye!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Professor rocks.

Sure, he didn't beat Bourne, but neither did anyone else. And this guy has a trench coat, biker gloves, a silencer, automatic sniper rifle, and a decent scope. And glasses! The only real reason he didn't get Bourne was because The guy was hiding did he try to hide from the other guys? No. So really, he's pretty good. (Hmm, okay, he does run sometimes, but that's not the point.) And this guy seemed like he didn't like working with Treadstone, although, who would?

So back to the picture. It isn't really as good ar the movie. Like, really not as good, but I couldn't figure out how to do it right. It was on the wall of Jason's house in the first movie. You see it in the study during the fight with Castel/Pen Guy. Yeah.

What was I going to type? Something good, but what??? (this always happens)

-looks for picture of Professor- That guy is awesome.

So uh, I think I have to go now. I run late a lot. -nods and waves-

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Awesome Bourne Identity thing

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
So, I was watching the first Bourne movie, and I saw this awesome art thing on the wall! (Well, it's sort of like that. I had to make it in a rush. The one in the movie is way better.) So it isn't exactly the same, but it's the basic shape-ish- thing.

I dunno. I liked it.

So yeah, other than that, I don't have much to say. (I spent most of my blog time making the image.)

I have to go now. Bye! (If I remember anything, I'll think about posting.)

Monday, October 1, 2007

-yawns- Sunburns are nasty.

I don't like the idea of them.

Anyway, I'm back. Obviously. Yeah, Scout Expo was nice. You drown, then you burn. What a deal. Here we are, setting up our tents. Maybe it's a little windy, but nothing too bad. Five seconds later. Cloudburst, gusts of wind, muddy ground. (they burnt the fields) So yeah, we took cover in our L's tent and the R family tent. Except for A and Bro. K (it is K, right?). They ran for the cars. So L and J were in L's tent and Bro. S, T, D, and I were in ours. Don't worry, Bro. S left when the rain stopped. He set up his own tent. -nods- It wasn't all that bad once we all changed into dry clothes and got into the tents. The next day was fun. Lots of things to do. And since I had created every protection I could around my pack, I couldn't get my sunscreen. I got burnt. -_- So yeah, pretty good.

Perkins Ward is HUGE. This is the first place I've seen where we've had too many young men for the sacrament. Loads of people... So that's nice. I miss the old building though. Mostly the stairs. Shortcuts were in abundance. Now you just run in circles...

Uh... I think that's it. I might add more later.

Uh... Bye!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm not really here.

I'm sure you guys will have known that. I need to pack, I don't have much time, hurray everybody. Bye.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Caution, crazy people are here.

Ri and I dressed up for Seminary today. He was all green and black (Zelda t-shirt) with a blue lightsaber, I was black and yellow with caution tape and a yellow cape/towel. Oh yeah, it was nice. I figured out that I prefer setting the alarm to 5:00, but hitting the snooze. I wake up at 5:10 and feel alot more awake than when I wake up and 5:25. Strange, but affective. (A didn't seem thrilled about it) I need nicknames. Bad.

Oh yeah, the Alaskans seemed rather tired. (I say it was the heat that was bugging them -nods-)

Sleep is nice, but now I've realized that while being awake in the morning is good, I seem to drain energy faster. -drinks water- That seems to work well, but I fell asleep on my textbook again. Why do I have to drool? It takes about ten minutes to get it all nice again. (thoroughness matters) Maybe I need one of those book stands so I'm not holding the book...

15 minutes of sleep is nice. I begin to wish I had it. -resets alarm- I'll be right back.

-half an hour later-

I love my bed... It is nice... Don't you love homeschooling? I get to have nap time! Just like kindergarten! Only you have to right up stuff about Muslims afterwards. Yep. I'm studying past Arab societies and religions and what not in history. A bunch of dead guys do stuff. Sounds wonderful. And boring.

A is talking about not wearing socks...

Hubert hid the camera so I can't get a picture of him sleeping. (He didn't like the alarm clock idea)

I feel like sleeping, but I still have scouting, chores, and some algebra to do. Yay. Then I sleep.
5:00 still? Maybe, but I use the hydraulic system of shock treatment. Ice cold shower has never failed to wake me up.

Goodnight, everybody!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Yep, everything is crazy now. We'll be meeting at the stake center instead of our building. -sigh- We kept most of our people though. I like the stairs in our building. The others don't have any. One floor. One. Boring. Floor. Oh well. That also means no cry room. Plus the building will be more busy. Stake center. I like the little red brick building. And Seminary. So yeah, I won't say much about mom's comment. It's just different.

I have nothing to say, now... I should go again. I have school. Yay. Bye, guys.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

License plates.

So many... I gotta tell ya.

So before I get into that. Scouts is hectic again. Scout Expo. Wonderful. Not too bad, I guess.

Baptisms for the dead! Really spiritual. I liked it, it was nice. I think it was my third time. -nods- there must have been twenty people with the exact same name. (I won't say it though)

The temple is peaceful.

OKAY! LICENSE PLATES! Starting things off with The Bourne Supremacy. Putting on a fake license plate. Nice.

Next, words on license plates. I*heart*LEFTY, XO FOR U (on a bug), WHOOPPS, a few others, but really, it's crazy how many you can see in one day.

Locations. Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska. LOADS. (Actually, those were all of them for this trip, but for one day? I like.)

Superman! Well, the logo for a car dealership. :/ So, as you can see, I saw lots of License plates today. -nods-

It's late. I need sleep. Good Night!

Monday, September 24, 2007

No. Time. Ever.

So... Perkins ward, boom bang things changing, scouts smash, assignments, phone calls, lost buildings, new ward families, no sleep, no life, no rest, all chaos, ABSOLUTELY NO TIME TO THINK! I need something. I don't know what. Something that will blow things up. -digs out party snaps- They'll have to do. -eats party snap- Not for eating...

I sleep now. Then I call people...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Lol, LotR Addicts... I have to watch those some time.

Good movies. See, mom? They do have good and inspiring messages for us. ^^

Seminary will still happen Monday, at least. I still don't know what's happening.

Well, I gotta be quick, I'm babysitting at ten. Those kids are cute. A and A are cute too, though. I don't want to leave them out. It's just that I can't stay long. Because I need to babysit. Nothing personal. Imma stop talking now...

Well, I found some strawberry oatmeal and guess what??? IT WORKS AGAIN! Omen? Could be! Yep. And I believe I know how old The Bro is. 104 as of September 19! I think. The Gremlins seem pretty good at getting info about him so I it could very well true. 42 years of seminary... You never know.

We gunna party tomorrow! And We're planning on having a troop camp out so we can divide properly. Bro P said we might even be able to stay up ALL NIGHT! Awesomeness.

So, looking upward and onward. I just hope this doesn't mean miserable things. You know, "growing experiences that will help you in life." Bad signs when they tell you that...


Wow, that was abrupt. Yeah. I need to go. Farewell to everyone who are still odd enough to find this worth reading!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Change, whiplash, and time.

First off, I forgot to mention that scouts went sort of okay, this Tuesday. We played blob tag. It took a while for everyone to get the hang of moving as a group, but in the end it was pretty nice. Bro S had the idea to use the whip affect to make the end of the line out pace anyone on the court. Affective. Very affective. You just have to watch out if you're on the end. LONG strides and firm grip. Otherwise you might crash or start flying away. We tried to avoid that. Really fun, though, I think they enjoyed themselves. Once again, only one minor injury. Yeah...

Time. I want it.

Change in myself isn't what I'm worried about. I want it. But what I don't want is change in the organizations I've been getting so used to over the years. After all, Troop Anonymous has always been around. Just like Mister Bishop. Those two aren't meant to change. Why should they? What good comes from it? -grumbles- I don't like this. Why do I suddenly see the dangerous spot of my position as a sad thing? It's not like it's fun. Just... fulfilling. I can find a hobby, can't I? I dunno.

I like the wind and sails quote, but I'd still like the wind to stay the same. I just thought of something. Now we're going to have another few months of introductions... Lately, Sunday School has found a liking of introductions. It died down a little, I guess. Not as much of it as a month ago, but it's still been happening quite a bit. -nods-

-sighs- I think I might go crazy this Saturday. It will be the last ward function before the change. The farewells and all that. I don't act crazy in front of people much. It's always been more personal. I should give it a try. The mellow side of me is nice, but not right for this sort of thing. Anyway, I'm late. I must be off.

Bye everybody!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Change is BAD!

I don't want to lose Seminary! -cries-

Okay, over that, the more I read that introduction, the more it stinks. I gotta work on it.

Uh... So yeah, I don't want to switch the ward boundaries. Seminary is in jeopardy. I don't like that. Losing SPL calling might not be devastating. I hate that I'm worrying about people, though. WHY DO I WORRY??? I DON'T WORRY. I WORK. That's all. No worrying. It just wastes time. And distracts me from schoolwork. I'm telling you. Those assignments are going to be lousy. -looks at papers- Yeah... I might want to redo them... Not that it'd help. -grumbles-

I don't want to type... Strawberries aren't working anymore, either. Not even in cake. I hate it when I think Seminary is changing...

-sigh- So very unhappy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Randomness and starting base

Okay, first off, NS was completely different. Besides, he's not a favorite author of mine anymore. He's good, but not my style. I like Dick Francis and Christopher Paolini, as well as some others, of course.

Seminary news.
Yesterday was five people. Today was... 6?

Okay, to get to the point, I am now going to do an improv writing base (prologue) of a story which I will later expand on.

Running. There was a dark cloud over the city, creeping further and further over the streets. People were yelling, yet all sound seemed to cease within the unnatural dark that advanced. The house. They would be safe there. Clarissa grabbed her brother's hand and ran out of the park, sprinting down the asphalt road for several blocks before turning onto a crossing street. There it was. Alan was shaking now. He kept looking back at the strange mist. "What is it?" His voice was weak. Shaking. "I don't know. Just keep going, we're almost there." The two siblings ran into the house, Clarissa closing and bolting the door. They could still hear the screams outside. Alan went to a corner and curled into a ball, his eyes wide as he looked around the warmly lit entry hall. "I wish mom and dad were here." The whisper carried across the room to where Clarissa was trying to dial 9-1-1. "It isn't working..." Just then the darkness reached them and the lights went out. Everything was gone. Sound. Light. The screams that would have filled the room were stopped by the strange fog. The phone fell to the ground. Shadows of figures were drifting around them. Clarissa stared at them in horror, one turning towards her. Pale green eyes flashed open... And then it was over.
Clarissa got up and looked at the gray alarm clock resting on the dresser beside her bed. 1:16 in the morning. She went into the bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was pale, her dark brown hair was disheveled. She stood there a moment, letting her breathing slow before walking back to her room. On her way there, she noticed something lying on the ground by the living room. The phone...

Wow... I can see why books aren't written off of the top of peoples' heads... Anyway, I guess it's something to start with. See ya!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Void

The darkness creeping in around you, the end and beginning of thought. The world that cannot be entered, save by those that fall. Clouds of blankness, unwritten. Yet at the faintest image, they expand, forming a vision more sharp and clear than sight itself. And upon awakening, you feel as though they were a long way off. Dreams.

Okay, that was odd. Gotta be one of those stories where some person is seeing things in their dreams, but here, they don't remember them. An interesting thing, though. They sleep walk. one day they find a clue to a dream they had a few days before. They remember that there was some danger, something that only they could stop, because only they would know. -makes note and adds idea to the Asylum to do list-

Fear the pasta!

Okay, so one of these days I'm going to have to write these things. No short shorts. Actual stories. More work, though. Not something you do just off the bat in half an hour. Maybe some weekly story. It'd be nice, maybe I'll have ratings on how tense it is. (you know my stories will be tense) I wonder if any of them should have romance. I never liked those sorts of books, but I suppose it'd play a part in plots. I mean, it complicates things when you have a crush on someone you were hired to kill. Kind of stupid, though. Who would be thinking about asking someone out when your world is blowing up? (you can tell these things won't be romance novels) I guess one of the characters could be married. Nah, I like the idea of destruction better. Less mushy.

So yeah, I'll start on a few drafts.

Um, the court of Honor for Andrew was okay, I did a lousy job on a talk. Improv, I hate it. So yeah, leftover cake for several weeks. The cheese-its (sp?) went fast, though. I have to run, see you guys tomorrow!

PS: Should I post drafts here or wait until I have the full stories? Installments, maybe?

How could I forget? I predicted it! Sort of. Every week we get a new person. Yep, C just joined us, though we lost a few. It was C, L, Ri, J, and me. Five people!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Attendance Crash!

4, 3, 3, 2,
7, 7, 7, 3...

Did I predict this? I have an idea that there will be a lot of people Monday...

D & T are coming later today. ^^ I. Need. Nicknames.

Anyway, I can't wait to show them the work site. It's made progress. I can get to the dresser now. And the craft drawers. And the bathroom! And under the bed! Open space is nice... I need to work in the big bedroom. Must. Be. Cleaned.

Okay, so yeah, I don't have much to say. Surprised? I don't want to give a talk...


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No, no, no! I need them!

Hip-o is a simple one. Most people know who that is. After that, it starts getting difficult. But doable! I must think. -looks at notes- I need new ones, some of these are negative. Mine might have to change. B & Co. is too much. Wait a minute? What am I saying? I'm Jacob Mathew Renolds! Everyone knows that. Except for the people who think I'm Blake. (I give that name to people I don't like. Yeah, I'm mean...) There's Psycho-Mammoth, then Sharpshutter. The mother ship. (obvious enough?) I shouldn't even say our troop number! It is now Troop Anonymous. ^^ Let's see, there's Rye 'n Rye (is that spelled right?) The only problem with that one is that it's two people. And if you only use one, you don't know what you're talking about...

Scouts went okay last night. Wow, that was abrupt... We had Jeopardy. Sort of. Scout History was the hardest. -nods- They weren't bouncing off thee walls this time. Much. So all and all, I think it went okay.

What else... We've had a constant seven so far this week. So we've got:
4, 3, 3, 2,
7, 7, 7.

Odd pattern. Anyway, our ASPL is the seminary class president. ^^ J, for those of you who don't know who that is. Yep! It should be fun.

I like this song...

Hubert seems to be famous... Lucky.

I think I'm done now. Bye!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Tonight is scouts! I have an idea of what I'm doing, though. So yeah, not too bad.

Okay, once again, we shall split up the post.

Part one: Comments
Yep! The four are in the seven, the three are in the four and the two are in the three. ^^ Woot! Try saying that five times fast.

Part two: Birthdays
Hubert was a little late, but..

~` . *, Happy Birthday!
. \ Ô /
. . | . . .
. . /\. >ô -That's Hubert's Fish's Nephew!

Okay, so it looks like all of the usual readers posted. Except M(I gotta make nicknames...)... Maybe she didn't read it yet. We'll ask about it later...

Um, Part three: Fliers, thank yous, and invites
Yep, last night for family home evening we went through the area where Andrew had his book drive and delivered little papers to the houses. I saw the Triangle house! ^^

I like water.

Uh... I think that's it. Bye!

Monday, September 10, 2007

History being made

Two posts??? In one day? Yes, it turns out my carelessness has brought about such a need.

Two more things... I think.

One is... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! Everybody say happy birthday in the comments. (disobeyer's will be punished) Mom, you can say it, too.

Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo! Your sons might be monkeys, but they sure love you too! (sisters have to write their own song)

Okay, now that we have done our little improv singing, we shall move onto the second order of business.

More on mountains: The tunnel is gone. -cries- I had to fill it up with boxes. Also, in reply to David and Teresa's mountain, I shall need to ask the size and fragility of said monument.

Now am I done? I wonder.


You always fall behind... Alright, this will be done in parts.

Part 1: Mountains
Decent progress, the play table -any of you guys remember it?- has been retaken, along with a few walkways and this cool bench thing. It's organized clutter now. ^^

Part 2: Legos
In a quest for order, I have decided that the bulk of my collection will be grafted into the family stock. (exception, of course, being the medieval castle genre) I love those little guys.

Part 3: Movies
A box of movies we didn't know about? Interesting. I saw Jumanji for the first time Saturday. Good movie, the monkeys could have been better, but that's alright. Also, Andrew has been watching Pocahontas a lot.

Part 4: Service
Other news for Saturday would be two service opportunities we had: Cleaning the church building and T's eagle project. We labeled trees!

Part 5: Seminary growth rate
Let's go over our data. The attendance goes as follows.
4, 3, 3, 2, 7. Strange pattern. Very strange. Predictions: More falls in attendance, followed by an even larger spike. -nods-

Okay, that's about it, right? -reads over memo- How could I forget??? Andrew's EAGLE COURT! And I have to talk. Great. I hate talking. But then we gunna party! @.@ So many incorrect literary points...

Why does my toe hurt? Oh well, I'll look at it later. Bye!

Friday, September 7, 2007

News. The good, the bad, and the ugly

Bad: Only two today. L. Me. NOT. SO. GOOD.

Good: Yes!!! I finished the bed! -happy dances for two and a half minutes-

The Ugly: The mountain. Is. Big. I bored into the side of it today. A little progress, notable, but not a one day victory...

So now you know. YAY! People again!!! Thank you sister peoples!

I was starting to get the feeling I was talking to myself. (I know that feeling well)

I made a tunnel. ^^ With boxes and things. It goes all over. ^^

I have to go! -waves-

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The the lone three...

Still Ri, L, and myself... Seminary was a lot more popular last year, apparently. And guess what??? I like sorting and cleaning and organizing!!! I have my satchel and scriptures and scout books and school books all organized in THE TOWER OF POWER. Yep, it's awesome. Now I don't have to look around for days to find my notebook. ^^ I also got some hangers and hung up a ton of stuff, attacked the underworld that lurks under my bed and did mass damage to the over all clutter of the soon-to-be family room! Room Shift! Things are going well. Once the underworld is taken, we can lay siege to the mountain. (anyone who has been in our home knows what I'm talking about. ORDER. SHALL BE. MINE! Oh yeah, I went to the doctor yesterday. I have good vision, I'm in the 96% range for height and the 70% range for weight. I'm fat! I used to be 40% Of course I also was 85% for height, then... I need to exercise. But when do I have time??? Also, I think my readers are passing out. I haven't seen any comments in a week. Did you actually take my advice to find another spirited teenager who writes daily blog entries? If so, tell me. I must see them! The underworld is calling me. I should kill it.

So uh, yeah. I'll just get back to that so when mother comes home, she will be pleasantly surprised by the lack of bulging piles of junk everywhere. He he he, we are getting close...

See ya, innocent civilians!