Friday, December 14, 2007

12/14/07 Picky picky picky

- Brushstroke
Can't I at least be just fish?
or aquarium or if that's too long, aqua.
Since you were really tired, I won't get too mad. :)

I hope you enjoy the book. You know you can renew it if you need more time. (From 12/13.2/07)
Is that aqua? Anyway, I told you guys to submit requests for names and what not, so don't feel like you haven't been warned. XD -looks up- I guess Brushstroke will work for the time being. (here meaning the next time someone reads this...)

Yeah... About that... There's a waiting list. But it isn't all that bad. I figured out that it's better when you're listening to the sound track. (Don't ask how I figured it out...)

I don't have any specific reply to Vancouver's post, but it was good. -nods-

Okay, so The ice rink was good. I had fun. Definitely impressed with the Hip-O. -nods- He said it was his first time there and he was flooring it. Very good.

Only one disappointing thing. They didn't have my shoe size, so they gave me a larger one. -shakes head- Say hello to my little blister. He just moved in on my ankle. -looks at it- So little, yet so inconsiderate of what it's whacking with a chainsaw...

We had hot chocolate! (Gentlemenship pulls off. Everyone who was crowding at the front got a scalded tongue. Or at least most of them. The ones who didn't add cold water.)

Okay, so I think I'm done here. I've got fifteen chapters to read. Bye! -grabs book-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um - no.

Since the only brushes I've really used much are the ones in computer programs, I really don't think that's a good nickname. Especially since I haven't used even those for a long time. I use paths more lately. Vector graphics are great. Even if I did paint, that one is way too cheesy and I'd have to stop reading your blog if you tried to call me that.

(btw I guess you could call it aqua, but I would call that color teal - which is a color I don't like.)

Yeah, Sariah - stop being so picky about someone else's nickname. ha ha. (I hope you were talking about her and not me.)
And I don't think anyone wants to be named what they eat. (Besides, I know I'm not the only one that reads this blog that takes medicine everyday.)

I am sticking with my original request. Light blue and aquarium or crescive (or my real name that I've been using on the comments forever - btw Sariah, I pointed that out a couple days ago).