Thursday, December 13, 2007

12/13.2/07 COMMENTS?!?

I forgot! Okay, so Fishy is light blue. (no offense, but it's the only thing I can think of) Pink is... well, pink. Vancouver (names...) is green, anyone else have preference of what their color is?

As I said down there, \/ , I feel sleepy... Bye! I'll talk about the ice rink tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Can't I at least be just fish?
or aquarium or if that's too long, aqua.
Since you were really tired, I won't get too mad. :)

I hope you enjoy the book. You know you can renew it if you need more time.

Sariah said...


Hey Fish - I love that you stopped commenting using your name, even though you have plenty of times! lol

You really want your name to be "Fish"? lol How about your name be... I don't know, something about being an artist, or maybe something about being a sick-o, ooh, or better yet - you can be "Druggie"! lol Is that how you spell druggie?

Hmmm, maybe "Fish" is good. lol

Sariah said...

Oh wait - Fish really should be Aqua and then you can use aqua for her color too! :)