Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27/07 Libraries, departures, and bike outfitting.

Well, about three hours ago I started working on attaching the awesome bike lights that the Rosers gave me to my bike. Thank you again!

So yeah, I think my bike is outfitted with all the needed gear for a good bike trip. Or missionary preparation...

After that was done, I wanted to take it somewhere! So I thought, I've been needing to get a replacement library card... Perfect! So I got one and sent in requests for Bourne Identity and Digital Fortress, two of the many books I've been meaning to read.

I'm still kind of getting used to the quiet... With two less dogs and not many plans for family get-togethers, life is reaching a sharp contrast. One thing I will say, though, I am definitely looking forward to getting my sleep pattens back in order. So tired...

Sorry, mom, I'm eating all your pie... I didn't mean to... It was just there, the foil partly open so you could see it and everything... I'm sorry! -top half of body falls on keyboard- w98444444444444444

Ahem! Yeah, sorry... (Why do my brothers like ramen so much??? They're making me hungry...)

Hubert doesn't much care for-

=---O_.------#o -squeak-

Oh... Thanks, Hedgy.

/| #o

Hubert and Hedge were out on a walk... Anyway. Hubert isn't a big fan of blogging.


Hedgy couldn't disagree more...

I gotta run, again. Bye!


Sariah said...

I'm glad you like the bike lights! :)

We JUST got home... okay, an hour ago. lol

The place is FREEZING so after sitting under blankets for an hour waiting for the heating to catch up with us, I ventured out and checked emails. So, you're the first to hear we're home! :)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, the books are very different from the Bourne movies.
There are some graphic scenes in the books, but you read a lot and I don't think any of it was that bad. It's been a while since I read them (I've only read 1 & 2, but not Ultimatum), but I think I remember a couple of scenes that you won't like.
Overall though, the books are good.
Just be warned that they are not the same story as the movies - it's just loosely based on them. The characters as well as the plot are quite different.
Let me know what you think when you are finished!

Anonymous said...

What is Digital Fortress about?
And which one of them will you start first?