Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12/18/07 Countdown...

Three days, five chapters. No biggy. Anywho, thanks, Pink! I'm glad someone is happy with the changes. Hopefully this will make it easier to update the little side points. Which reminds me, I should really work on that ice sculpture...

CHRISTMAS! Ono weeko! Are you ready? (Seeing as the stuff that really matters doesn't really need the stress, why not?) I dunno, this Christmas has crept up without me noticing much. (that is, until I walked in a store...) I think it might be the books. Life always go faster when you have a book. And a superduper reading light / bike light! (It's especially good for reading because it's red. Less pain on the eyes, you know?) I love that thing. Plus it's LED! I don't know why, but I like saying LED.

(O) -yawns-
/ \ 1-9-W-1-B-F-D-N-R-S-M-Q-E-A-O-Y-O-5

Hubert has been sleeping in lately. Something about it being his contribution towards the holiday spirit. So thanks, Hubert, you really took one for the team, there. We've appreciated it, though. We really have.


#oJ Hedge, here, likes the stockings. He thinks they're colorful.

So that's roughly it. Life is good. Life is fast. I. Need. Sleep. But more importantly, I need Bourne music, a book, and some good strawberry yogurt. (Yogurt+Book=Not at the same time)




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