Saturday, November 24, 2007

-looks at titles of posts- Fitting...

Between the name of the blog and and titles therein, you can understand that my thoughts of being crazy aren't far off the mark.

Anyway... Happy Turkey Day! Sort of...

Family visiting, staying up until 3:00 A.M., what could be better?

By the way, thank you Rosers! My B-day is on Saturday, but they couldn't be here then, so we opened their awesome gifts last night. Japanese Book of Mormon and a set of bike lights! Isn't it just made of Awesome!?! (I here that in Japan, people bike a lot. Awesomeness...) Yeah, it's kind of funny, Mom said she got me a Nihon BoM, too. -nods- Those things are great... Hard to read at the moment, but great. ^^ The bike lights are good, too. And bright. O.O

Uh, I forget what I plan to say, but I really like when relatives visit, especially siblings. So, sort of going off of this, I am thankful for:
- Siblings (near and far)
- Turkeys that you can eat- That's it! Thanksgiving! Just a sec, I'll get to it.
- Reports that are finally out of the way -sighs with relief-
- Dragons that are made of awesome
- Dogs that don't cry (Tuffy, there is NOTHING UNDER THE DRESSER. WHY ARE YOU WANTING ME TO LOOK AT IT EVERY FIVE SECONDS???) Yeah, Tuffy is good. A little obsessive about something I apparently can't see. (And she won't even tell me what it is...)

So, Turkeys. It was late. We ate around 6:30ish. Normal dinner time if you don't take into consideration that it's Thanksgiving... Still, we played phase ten, learned a few card tricks, heard stories, visited with dad's fiance. (The phrase just makes me shudder. It doesn't feel right...)

It was gooood.

Hedgy, can you look under the dresser?

Anything? Okay, fine. I'll look. I got to run. Bye!

1 comment:

Sariah said...

You are definitely welcome! I'm glad you like them. :)

We're having fun visiting with you guys, too! I'm bummed our visit is almost over already. :(