Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Change in style...

Well, last night I totally wiped out the computer layout and modified what everything looks like. It's kinda nice... Everything is silver, now. Less blue. I even added a little picture of that Bourne thing. (it needs a name...) It seems happy over there in the corner. Very nice. Yeah, I've also been getting ready for the campout this weekend. Mostly trivial things like matching up awesome things. I've decided on leaving the water pack and sticking with the canteen. First field test! I figured out that you take it out of the case, not off of the belt... So much easier. So that'll be nice. I'm bringing the satchel. (it's only going to be in the Bro. F's backyard, so I don't think it's in much danger) Also, camo will be going. Standard set there. Probably not the uniform. -looks at belt- I wonder what else I could put on here...

I need to get to work. (short, huh?)

I'll try to write more later. /Try/, no promises. It may have to wait until tomorrow. Ja Mata!

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