Friday, December 28, 2007

12/28/07 The beginning of the end

Alas, '07 draws to a close, naught but a simple memory, to linger on in the confines of our earthly minds. To say that it was meaningless would be a mockery. '07 was a year of event and should not be forgotten by time.

Elements of '07
-The realignment of the stake
-Divorce of the parents of Jacob Renolds
-Announcement of remarriage of the dad of Jacob Renolds
-Realization of greatness: Surfacing of Jason Bourne
-Tackling of major issues, known only to the few they pertain to
-The creation of the Asylum
-Brotherhood 2.0
-A fair share of decent movies being released
-The furthering cause of the Asylum
-The continued growth of family

All these things, and many more, have etched the year 2007 solidly within our minds. My call now is to let this not be forgotten.

Solemn , eh? Well, don't get too somber. There's no humor in that, and if there is no humor, what is this? That's right. Another mushy blog that makes you think. Well, if I wanted just that, I wouldn't have created the Asylum, would I? So, back to the crazy!

Emails have been piling up, so naturally I spent much of today looking through them. (You can miss a lot, it seems, when you give little heed to daily life) Holidays, holidays. Such wonderful times they are. So with changes of tradition clear on the horizon, let us all look forward, grasping hold to the future.

(I'm trying to get into the writing mood)

Ooh! Let's see how the poll went! Shall we?

Poll Results to what people would do if they could travel through time:
1) Go into the future and see if there is any hope for the world.
b) Go into the past and try to change things for the better.
3) Leave things alone. Time traveling only makes people disappear.

Along with this, I must sadly admit that my little ice monkey melted before I found place for it in the freezer. -sighs- This next challenge shouldn't be a problem, though. ^^ I'll do it Monday or so to avoid being blue during church meetings.


New thankful list.
New challenge.
Soon to be new poll.
New background and other such changes.

Delightful, isn't it? Such a charming little place this is becoming!

Well, as the day wears on, so must I. I leave you now.

~Jacob M. Renolds
Lord Muncher
And the ever present Ben & Company


Sariah said...

I have a question about the new poll... Is being a human (ie, yourself) not an option? Just curious before I respond to the poll. :)

Great reflective post. :)

motherof8 said...

Great post, as usual. You brighten my life.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I tried to compete in the last challenge, but my sculpture experiment didn't work & I didn't have time to try again. :(