Monday, December 17, 2007

12/17.2/07 Compare and contrast

Comments: (and that is all, I think)
- I suppose Crescive will work:
Um - no.

Since the only brushes I've really used much are the ones in computer programs, I really don't think that's a good nickname. Especially since I haven't used even those for a long time. I use paths more lately. Vector graphics are great. Even if I did paint, that one is way too cheesy and I'd have to stop reading your blog if you tried to call me that.

(btw I guess you could call it aqua, but I would call that color teal - which is a color I don't like.)

Yeah, (Blocked word) - stop being so picky about someone else's nickname. ha ha. (I hope you were talking about her and not me.)
And I don't think anyone wants to be named what they eat. (Besides, I know I'm not the only one that reads this blog that takes medicine everyday.)(? Say what?)

I am sticking with my original request. Light blue and aquarium or crescive (or my real name that I've been using on the comments forever - btw (Blocked word), I pointed that out a couple days ago).
OKAY! Where do I start? Okay, yes. I was referring to you when picking the title.
Let's take a look as to why I may say that.

- Vancouver:

Hey Fish - I love that you stopped commenting using your name, even though you have plenty of times! lol

You really want your name to be "Fish"? lol How about your name be... I don't know, something about being an artist, or maybe something about being a sick-o, ooh, or better yet - you can be "Druggie"! lol Is that how you spell druggie? (Oh... That's the what say...)

Hmmm, maybe "Fish" is good. lol

Oh wait - Fish really should be Aqua and then you can use aqua for her color too! :)

Compared to...
- I suppose Crescive will work:
Um - no.

Since the only brushes I've really used much are the ones in computer programs, I really don't think that's a good nickname. Especially since I haven't used even those for a long time. I use paths more lately. Vector graphics are great. Even if I did paint, that one is way too cheesy and I'd have to stop reading your blog if you tried to call me that.

(btw I guess you could call it aqua, but I would call that color teal - which is a color I don't like.)(So much for not being picky...)

Yeah, Vancouver - stop being so picky about someone else's nickname. ha ha. (I hope you were talking about her and not me.)
And I don't think anyone wants to be named what they eat. (Besides, I know I'm not the only one that reads this blog that takes medicine everyday.)

I am sticking with my original request. Light blue and aquarium or crescive (or my real name that I've been using on the comments forever - btw Vancouver, I pointed that out a couple days ago).

Yeah. Stroke may be an option. I'm close enough to having one. -shakes head- It just occurred to me that these colors look really weird when you group them together on a black background...

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