Monday, December 10, 2007

12/10/07 The computer is slow...

It keeps acting like it doesn't want to work, and I need to take another swing at the retched test. (Yes, I'm still doing it. Dumbfound you, you sorry, pathetic typos! You don't deserve to live!) Yeah, I'm a little testy this morning...

So Saturday-ish Bjab went christmas shopping. I had no idea what I was doing. I mean, the secret project was going well, but I still needed to worry about Bja. (odd name...) So yeah, I found some things... One is rather hard to wrap. I'm having trouble, do you think I should try a bag? Or a box. A box might work...

Anna, please don't bark at the neighbors. I know if I let you out, you will, and I'll get upset, and I'll make another retarded typo, and I'll be stuck on this thing for another few days...

I have to go. I figure if I spend half an hour on each question I'll avoid disaster. (Then again, I've always dealt better on instincts... No. I'll confirm...)

I have to go. -does roundhouse kick on computer chair, picks it up, discreetly putting it back- I hate 100% tests... At least 98%. I would have had it on the first round... -sighs- Bye.

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