Monday, December 3, 2007

12/03/07 -whacks left eye with a rubber mallet-

I'm not happy with my eye right now... For the past- -glances at clock- forty-three minutes, my left eye has been draining out its fluids... Not the right one. Just the left. Getting on my homework, I might add. -whacks it again- Maybe it's allergies.
I feel the need to say something completely irrelevant, like two-tailed hornets having two stingers as well, but I think I won't.

I strangely don't feel like saying anything. It's probably the cold. I have a cold. I don't like it. My nose is giving my eye a bad example.

Towel boy wrote TB+PP=BFF on his arm yesterday. Made me want to wail on him. Honestly, there is such a thing as self control, and using the term 'best friend' is hardly a way to mask those idiots. No offense (Alright, maybe a little.), but he really is quite immature. Four years difference between teenagers is hardly acceptable, and saying that you're just friends when you know darn well that you're not is just stupid. Especially because he knows I read over his shoulder and know what stupid thing he's doing that day. Boys...

I need to read- Ew... Something in this tissue resembles a small slug... ANYWAY... I have issues.

I think it's time for a dunk in ice water... Or just water. Just something cold and wet. -walks off-

Slightly better. My eyes looks puffy, though. I gotta go. However lacking I feel this post is in the terms of uplifting gaiety, I have low hopes for possible outcomes of me continuing. As always, I'll see you later.



Sariah said...

I want to know who "PP" is.

I'm sorry you have a cold. :( I hope you feel better soon!

debi said...


Anonymous said...

What do all the numbers at the bottom mean?