Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Show time...

I don't write like that. Either it's negative or positive. Rarely can it be seen as both. It isn't interest that's the problem. It's capability and fulfilling the duties that come with the good. They'll do campouts, they'll do activities, but they don't listen or participate in meetings. It all comes down to one thing. Discipline. I had it when I was younger. I learned that work needs doing. They, it seems, did not. And there are a precious few ways I can teach them that. We aren't allowed to discipline, we aren't allowed to suspend or anything like that. At least, I can't. We'll just see if we can get one thing into their heads tonight. I have a small idea for instruction. As for the activity, I'm going to try a little less moving. We must have ORDER.

And by the way, if leaders are supposed to make others capable, why haven't any of the three SPLs that have served with a certain boy been able to make him "capable." You'd think a year or so would have done the trick.

So, um... We had smores last night. It's surprising how well grills work for that... So that was... nice.

One. More. Week. One. More. Week. Plus, after tonight, I might get a small break from this evil chaos. Then I have to write a talk... Life isn't fair sometimes... -sighs-

So yeah, I gotta go.


David said...

It certainly is NOT easy to teach people and I agree that you have a very limited tool set. I'm sure it will take patience and hard work, but you can decide that improvement is possible or impossible - either way you're probably right.

motherof8 said...

If you must go, and I would miss you terribly!, I vote for Vancouver.

Remember, you are making a difference in boys' lives - whether you see it or not. Some of them are going to make such slow progress, you will not even notice, maybe for years. But you will make a difference.

I understand much of your stress and frustration. I have experienced it often myself. Some of it is the situation. Some of it is how we personally deal with it. Wish I could give you sage advice, but I still struggle.

Talk to the Scoutmaster honestly when you can catch him. Also seek counsel and advice from others you respect - McClure, Logan, Tom.....

forget Bugler. I agree that some other positions are more important.

You are serving the Lord. Tell Him all about it, then ask Him to guide you.

I think you are great!