Monday, August 20, 2007


Not all fun and games. -grumbles- Anywho, school started today. Yeah. Goodie. I'm leaping for joy at the very thought of doing this again. Literature was okay, I told you guys about my system, right? Do a weeks worth of a subject a day? Then do another subject the next? Yeah, except for Algebra, Japanese, and PE, but those aren't painfully long. So, Duty to God, Scoutwork, SPL duties (believe me, it's different), schoolwork, church callings, regular chores around the house, a few other odd jobs that need sorting out... I think I'm starting to see why young people are starting smoking and drinking. It's still stupid, but I see their reasons.

We gonna play frizbee! Sort of an odd variation of keepaway-ish with two teams. Yeah, that's be fun. So, other than that, I'm sure there'll be some more stuff to work out. I. Begin. To hate. This. Not SPL so much anymore, but I've found other ways of stirring up unhappy feelings it seems. Bah. -stares at list of jobs- Where to start...? School. Then planning. Chores, I suppose. I dunno, I don't like it. I guess I should write something witty or entertaining like I know you all need and expect from my blog. Hey, Hubert, any ideas?

.O -shrugs-

Didn't think so. Maybe the monkeys...


No. Not the monkeys.

Okay, you guys are going to be ripped off again. Blame it on the troop.


motherof8 said...

I love your computer art. You are so clever!

Do your best and try to use your time well, but don't be too hard on yourself.

I also love you.

David said...

Try " " instead of "." in your ASCII art.

David said...

Or just put it all between <pre> </pre>