Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Konnichi wa, Jake Renolds desu!

He he he, that book is crazy. So, how is everybody? Yes, I'm upset that blogger always seems to ruin my pictures, the sand castle did look better when I was making it. But I was rushed and it was beyond repair anyway. Hubert made a new one though.

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So yeah, yay for Hubert.

Okay, moving on. Last night's scouts activity went okay. Only one injury and the scouts were keeping active. Yeah. Not the worst.

Anyway, so that's my life. I've said this already, but I'm taking Japanese. Tricksy stuff those symbols. Very interesting. So yeah, I have to get back to work. It seems that as my life gets busier, the less time I have to write about it... Bye, everyone!


Sariah said...

Wow, Japanese? That's quite a language to learn! Good luck! Ryan has always wanted to learn Japanese. It's a great language to know in his business.

And that sandcastle does look way more sandcastle-y then the last one. lol

Anonymous said...

How do you know what the Japanese words are supposed to sound like? Do you have CDs to listen to?

Anonymous said...

Or are you going to a class for that subject?