Tuesday, January 15, 2008

01/15.2/08 Book frenzy

I fell asleep. Luckily Black Shadow woke me up so I could put the book away, but I only managed to get in two chapters... It seems that words are funnier when your tired. Even 'suddenly'. -laughs- I'm tired...

I still need to pack...

I forgot why the monkeys ironed my socks... But it feels weird...

I'm gonna go now. -looks for headphones-


Wha- what???

-looks at volume- Okay!

So how's er'body? I seems apparent that I'll have a head ache tomorrow. It felt like it before, but now it's certain.

'Least I'm awake now... I still have to go. Hi Chloe. Yes, food is good for eating. Good dog. (So close to a palindrome...)


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