Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Spam? Oh well, at least it /looks/ like people read my blog...

But yeah, I thought it was kind of interesting. I think it was Russian, but I'd have to check...

Nope, German.

So yeah, there's quite a bit of stuff here. Um, chronologically, Andrew got this odd little strategy game from Target while ago. It is a bit complicated, so I'm not even going to bother. But it has to do with having little shapes and you have to place them on the board, touching a tip, but not a side. Yeah, so he made this little piece of art with it. He wouldn't let me rest until I took SEVERAL pictures of it.

Okay, next came the bird. It appears that Attila,The Mouse Hun Of Kitty Hen Spoiled Cat Face continues to prove she is not as lazy as she looks. Yesterday, she brought a LIVE bird into the house and it got a way a few times before she caught it again. So eventually we locked her up and spent an hour chasing a flying bird around the house. It seemed rather healthy for the ordeal. Well, we finally helped it get out and of course, more pictures.

Lastly, I have three words to say: HE MADE IT!!!

So yeah, that's all, um, bye!

Just kidding, Andrew had his Eagle Board of Review yesterday. And as it says up there, ^, he passed. First Eagle Scout of the family. ^^ But not the last if I have anything to say about it. ^^ And you guessed it. Yet another set of pictures. Toodles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, where are all the pictures you mentioned?