Wednesday, June 6, 2007


The part that has to do with the topic will come a little later, but okay, fine, I told some stories, mom. I did the stick with the time line and everything, then I did a little about who he was and told a story from his first mission. Seven pages, to seven 3 by 5's. Condensing made easy. I could write a book...

Now, before I go on, the title. OH MY GOODNESS, I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE MOVIE! *searches frantically for movie* It's kind of past the point where I can use it, but I wanna watch it!

But yeah, Riley liked my poster. Especially the overlapping temple pictures and the straight lines. Nancy couldn't get off the fact that the picture of WW looked lumpy because of the darn glue. You'd think you could fix that, wouldn't you? But no, it had to be all crazy and blow up! Still, it was okay. And I didn't faint. That's a plus.

Mirado Missing!
My beloved companion has been kidnapped.
His location is still unknown, but searches are underway to track him down and bring him back to safety. Also, the eraser has gone missing as well. Might the two occurrences be related?

Okay, I think that's all for now. Bye!


motherof8 said...

what movie?

Anonymous said...

The movie I was talking about - the church movie about Wilford Woodruff. It's a good one.

Anonymous said...

Who is Mirado? I hope you find him.