Friday, June 8, 2007

Great, now whenever I hear that song, I'm going to cry

Today was the last day of seminary. It was good, we shared our testimonies and bishop talked a little about how he felt about seminary and each of us. Alizet played a song on the piano, I'm not sure what the title was, but I'll post it later. We had a group hug. I cried. More than once. It was nice. And now it's over...

UNTIL FALL! Are we excited? OF COURSE WE ARE! And Ben and Co. Will be back as crazy as ever! Well, I'm not sure if I'll write more. Oh yeah, before I go, This Wednesday I found out that I have a talk this Sunday. Yay. Well, kinda more than "Yay." More like "Yay!" I need to give a five minute talk for the communications merit badge, so yeah. It works. One year, will I make Eagle by then? Not likely, but it's worth a shot. C'ya everybody!

I miss seminary! *sigh*

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

You get to give a talk, I get to sub in Primary. Another "Would You Rather...?". I would rather give a talk.

I am glad that you like Seminary. I hope at least part of that has to do with testimony and not just the great kids and fun times in the morning.