Friday, October 24, 2008

10/24/08 Why does time never wait?

Life is beginning to curve back into it's semi-normal rhythm, and yet I've still got the lesson to work on. It's mostly finished, but I've just now realized that time is slowly running out. I've got some work to do before Thanksgiving, let me tell you. Of course, that's mostly my fault, so what can I say?

Life's been interesting. The wednesday night activity went well. Rather well, actually. The foreseen doom of a demolished room and chaos was not to be. A little crazy for a while maybe, but always in control. Even the getting to know you part seemed okay with everyone. We got some pretty awesome stories, although most of those were from the leaders. I think the stick-pull tied it off well. Some active game to make people happy. After all, sitting in a chair for an hour, however funny or entertaining the activity may be, can leave a poor mark.

I'm tired. Now that I'm not running on adrenaline, it occurs to me that I haven't been sleeping much. Mostly I just think. I really should stop doing that.

Still, at least life is in order. A little. I'm going to see if I can finish up today's work quickly so I can get my thinking done before bed. For one thing, I'm having the most bizarre dreams. Like this one I had the night before the stake mutual: First off, I'm late (a frequent occurrence in my dreams), then I forgot my papers and such, and then after a good deal of random nonsense, we start playing duck, duck, goose...

That's a good identifier for lack of sleep. Bizarre dreams. -nods-

So... I'm going to go, now...

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Congratulations on your successful activity!

I know about that thinking too much when we should be sleeping, too.