Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10/21/08 Pressure gauge

Recording angels, eh? I like... I wonder if they keep track of the times I talk back to the spirit when things are crazy... That wouldn't be great. Well, I predicted it, but it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Last Sunday I looked at the schedules and said I was going to snap. I did. Kinda funny, really. I get through most of my stress, give the awe-inspiring talk, and then explode when my lesson gets postponed... In hindsight, I don't see how any of it could go better. The talk was a success, I have more time to work out my lesson, this week's activity is mostly planned, and November's calendar was completely full. No need for activity ideas... Of course, it may have something to do with the continuous prayer throughout the week and the spiritual experiences during the campout. The Lord is good at this stuff, you know?

Christmas'll still be a pain, though. I'm running out of time. And while I know a little about what I'm doing, there's still plenty to think about.

I've put off listening to the Bourne Identity soundtracks too long. They help me think clearly. Now... what all needs to be done before I faint...

Dinner. Yes, I must go back to dinner... Oyasumi nasai.

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