Wednesday, February 13, 2008

02/13/08 Growth and inspiration

So recently I've developed the method of reading one chapter of the Bourne Ultimatum for every chapter I read of Jesus the Christ. Just a precaution to make sure I don't lose focus of the real masterminds in life. I still must give some credit to Ludlum, though. There are some mind numbing ideas that you would never normally think of. Simple things, too. Like using nylon rope and fusing knots together so they can't be untied. Warranted, I would never want to be placed in the kind of situations David Webb is continually put through, but there are still some useful information that you never know when they'll come in handy.

So yeah, two very good books. Jesus the Christ is really the main reason I find so much joy in literature, both reading and writing. I was pretty young then, back when Reading Club first started. Mom was reading Jesus the Christ and she read some out loud while I looked over her shoulder. It was a good bonding experience, and while I don't recall the words, I can still remember the voice of her reading them. It was nice, far nicer than annoying TB, my until then preferred daily activity. Reading Club isn't as frequent now, but it is still something looked forward to, and even more remembered and cherished. It showed me the inspiration of the written word, something I may not have gained as quickly without it.

I don't think I mentioned this yet, but last Saturday I went and got the Bourne Ultimatum Soundtrack. ^^ I also placed an order for the Bourne Identity Soundtrack, which has just come in, so sometime I'll have to go pick it up. Needless to say, there are many things I like about the Bourne Trilogy. Books, music, movies, all were very well put together.

I should probably stop talking about that, shouldn't I?

Oh well, so life is good on this end. I've got a well established routine to follow during the day, something I've always striven for. Speaking of which, I've got to go do my ALEKS work. See ya!


Anonymous said...

Yes, reading is great. Good for you for reading spiritual books, too.

I don't think you annoyed him back then. You where what? Five, I think. You were really sweet back then. What happened? j/k

What is/are ALEKS?

Sariah said...

hehehe (sorry, laughing at Miriam's comment)

I'm so glad that you love reading. And writing! You are very good at both. :) And I "ditto" the "Good for you for reading spiritual books, too." :)

Remember how much you enjoy Reading Club and make sure that when you have a family, YOU do that with your kids! Acadia LOVES it when her daddy reads to her before bed. You are right - it is a wonderful bonding experience. :)

Love ya!