Wednesday, April 1, 2009

04/01/09 Postponed... Again?

Yep, the curse continues. This Sunday, I found out that the fireside I was in charge of planning was going to be postponed again. It's strange. You know, it's almost like something is intentionally trying to stop me from planning a good activity. Every time I get excited about something, it's either canceled or postponed so much it loses it's charm. I dunno. I cope.

Luckily it's only pushed back, though. I might be able to stay excited about it. :/

Anyway, Travis came yesterday. It went okay; he didn't go all crazy angry or anything, so I'll call it good. We also did some gardening and cleaning yesterday (apparently it was a hoilday). Yeah, that was fun. Oh, and we went to get a suit hemmed (we went to the DI suit sale). That wasn't /as/ fun. I don't really like suits. Luckily, though, this one is more open in the waist-ish area. A little more comfortable, although I suppose it doesn't look as nice (I can't tell the difference). -shrugs- It's good.

Yep. Life. It's lively. Not really, but I thought it sounded funny. Alright, I think I'll call it quits for now.

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