Monday, September 15, 2008

09/15/08 Uh... sorry 'bout that.

Odd. You're gone for a week or two and suddenly there are things to talk about. Um, mutual has come and much more slowly gone, seminary has maintained its upbeat energy packed aura, and I've felt the spirit and its promptings quite clearly. Over all, I'd say that life is going fairly well. Now, I realize that some such promptings were calls for action where I am already losing track of a small number of things. Christmas... Oi. Still, I should be able to manage. Enough about the future, though. Let's wallow in the past!

Mutual. Probably a good place to start, seeing as I've been complaining about it for so long. And, I don't know why, it doesn't seem as bad. It might just be remnants of seminary's spiritual high. As you (might) know, we were going to play BoM Whose Line. Worked okay. Not everything was according to plan, but people seemed to like it. By the way, buzzers are dangerous things.

Next! That same night- -switches to ominous tone- That same night... In the dark of the church, I watched as my brother was swept away. Voices. Voices behind the door... It was unnerving. It was only upon his unexpected return that the duration of his absence was explained... They were preparing him. Preparing him for an awful torture. One that could claim the sanity of any man, let alone one as close to the edge as my brother... The next morn, he vanished again, returning only when the sun had reached the sky. He had not talked under the onslaught, yet it cost him dearly. He was confused. He was numb with pain. In the end, they did the only thing left for them. They removed his teeth!

(For those who may not have guessed the subtle hints, subtle being used lightly, Andrew got his wisdom teeth pulled.)

I must go now. Not only is there much schoolwork to be prepared, but I also must prepare for a battle of souls. Oh yeah, I could so be an over-dramatized spiritual writer. Ja mata, minasan!


Sariah said...

Yes, you could be an over dramatized spiritual writer. lol But sometimes I find over dramatized spiritual writers entertaining, so that's okay.

I'm glad things are going well and that mutual is going better (even if it is just your "high" altering reality). :)

Anonymous said...

What a gift for expression you have!