Thursday, May 15, 2008

05/15/08 Wow... that is gross...

My week has been decent, yet /very/ disappointing. First off, I got sick around Monday night and went to bed at a crisp eight-thirty. The next day, I got up in the middle of the night, went to go puke, and fell asleep in the bathroom (there's a chance I passed out, but I didn't feel any bruising or stuff like that, so I'm not sure). Half an hour later, I got back in bed and didn't wake up until eight-thirty in the morning. (Interesting, no?) After that, things got better. The cold-ish-thing is going away, I was able to go to seminary, and when I got home, I had the pleasure of studying the reproductive track for three freaking hours... -bangs head against wall- Why? Why...
I never want to see an illustration of anything, EVER AGAIN.

Last night, we went to YM, and you guessed it, there was nothing. Nothing planned, no leaders. Brother H. probably didn't like it either because he spent most of the time trying to figure out where everyone scattered off to.

On the bright side, I got the Highschool Exit Exam report. Surprise, surprise. Easy. Very easy. I could've done better on the essay, though. I seem to have a problem with planning things out before I write them. (partly why none of my stories have happy endings) I mean, I start off, working on improv, then due to my obsession with plausibility, things go downhill. (One vs. One hundred= Duh! 100. The two 0s make sure of that! -_-) As it was, I ended up getting 3.5 out of a possible 4 on it. -sighs-

Hooray. Now I can... uh... I dunno. Sleep? Nah... I've got Nihongo... Oi...

Oh well... Ja mata, minasan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh,no, you only got a B+ instead of an A. I can see why the bitter disappointment.