Friday, May 16, 2008

05/16/08 B+! Of course I'm disappointed!

Literature is my /zone/! Well, not really. I'm more into analytical and strategy, but that's not covered in high school. I should've planned it out more. The paragraphs and such were decent, and in a sense, they flowed, but there was no /root/. -sighs- I need to find a chess board...

Not going well... -sighs-

I might be a pain and leave it at this. I /really/ want to find a chess game. I'll be right back. -switches on elevator music-

Yeah, I think I'm done. Iz short, but oh well. I must go eat something.

PS: The frog is something you don't want to know about. He's stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, disappointing. Only 90% overall in both Mathematics and English not including the essay. Maybe you should request a do-over.

Obviously, this does not reflect your total brilliance. Who wants a total world dictator who only gets 90%.

oh, yeah, who wants a total world dictator?!