Friday, July 20, 2007

My last blog post...

For a while, at least. By the way, 3 ounce containers are cool. The requirement that you can't bring more than that, not so cool. I keep forgetting what to pack. I'm very excited, but I don't know what to pack. It seems to be the story of my life. It's just so complicated! And I can't remember where I put the shampoo... I had this nice little bottle of it, now I can't find it. You'd think I'd learn to keep track of things.

*rummages through clothes* Nope, not there. I'll try the Strawberry Method and see if that helps.
*scurries off*

Okay, I'm back! Um, still no luck... I'll keep looking. Why do people always take me seriously? I mean, sure, I'm a serious person, but I can still make a joke, can't I? They always think I feel hated just because someone called me a weed! It is a joke, people. A comical devise meant to bring entertainment and relieve boredom. Okay? Everyone happy now? I go now.

Hey! I found the shampoo!


Sariah said...

Don't you love spam? *rolls eyes*

I feel really, really bad... I forgot to change your web address in my blog lines account so I didn't get any notifications of your blogs and well, that's not excuse but it's what happened. :S But to make it up, I just went back and read EVERY SINGLE post you've made at this address. Yep, I did.

For the record, way back when... I liked the grass story. And the Woodpecker one... that was funny too, especially when Miriam said the moral was wrong. ;)

So, have a FUN time at the "happiest place on earth"! I wanna go!!! So, I guess you need to have enough fun for all us. :)

Sariah said...

Sorry, yeah there were some typos there... actually a few words left out. Fill in the blanks, will ya? And don't fault me - I got very little sleep this weekend... But I did read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! :P