Tuesday, July 31, 2007

*cue theme music*

For starters, the person that I met was an online friend of mine, who was, in fact, a thirteen year old girl who actually had a nine year old brother, instead of a crazy sixty year old bald guy. Yeah, they were heading to a connecting flight on their way to visit their dad. Yeah, I recognized the first names on the boarding passes after overhearing them talking. What can I say? I thought it was a funny coincidence. I speak up. They act surprised. I act surprised. We talk briefly. We have planes to get on. We say bye. End of story. Well, you know, of that encounter. Small world, no?

Day 2 - Monday:
Wake up bright and early! *record stops* Okay, maybe not so early. 7:30-8:00 Get ready. Is Adam still asleep? Well, he didn't get that much sleep before his flight...

Off to breakfast. Well, we had these breakfast vouchers for the restaurant in the hotel and it. was. awesome. Rather nicely decorated, good food, and lots of food. Kept us fed until dinner.

Okay, so we go to Disneyland. What do we do first? Um... Fast pass for Indiana Jones and took a Jungle Tour/Cruise thing. Fun, excellent way to start the day. You don't get that wet.

Next was Pirates of the Caribbean. Very fun! Lets you know though that rides there will drop. Never being on a roller coaster before, this was a good warm up.

Indiana Jones. Fun, bumpy, very entertaining, but we were glad we did the fast passes.

Another fast pass. Splash mountain! But first haunted Mansion, Canoe Ride, and I believe Thunder Mountain as well.

From the top. Haunted mansion proofed a delightful little ride that goes through several scenes of the movie. Not the scary fast stuff that comes later.

The Canoe ride was nice. This girl behind me kept splashing me with their paddle, though. Not exactly accustomed to rowing. So yeah, I got wet. Big surprise.

Thunder Mountain was great! Got right into the spirit of speed without doing anything questionable. The next step of the ladder.

Finally, Splash Mountain. Pleasant boat ride, screaming drops. What more could you ask for?

After this, my memory gets sketchy.

We did Buzz Lightyear that day, (more explained later) I think. Pinocchio's Daring adventure, (It was one of the younger audience rides) The Matterhorn, (at night maybe? Pretty fun) Honey I shrunk the audience, (movie) Autopia, (interesting random room, lots of activities) Space mountain? (definately at night, very fun) I think that's it. So back to BL. (Buzz Lightyear for people who don't like anagrams) Ride/video game. Interested? It was awesome! It was strange, though. Excellent score first round. Only got lower from there. So here we are. First 160,000-ish. Next 50,000ish. Then 30,ooo. You get it. It was sad.

So that's it for now, I'll do more later. ^^ Look forward to day three! It was great. Bye!


motherof8 said...

You might consider a career in writing.

I am enjoying your Disneyland memories! So glad that you got to go and glad that you are safely home.

come on, 'fess up. It wasn't catching up on sleep that kept you from writing right away. It was grabbing HP7 and not waiting for Reading Club which waited for you! Now a non-RC member has it. The person who actually went out and got the book and the other patient RC member are still waitng a turn. Ok. and finishing a book we started before HP7 arrived. It would go faster if I didn't keep falling asleep during Reading Club.

Sariah said...

Great fun!!!

What a crazy coincidence about your on-line friend!!! Small world, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what an unexpected surprise to meet them. How did you meet online?