Friday, July 18, 2008

07/18/08 I really don't like colds.

I mean, the kinds where you feel fine, but nevertheless have this constant need to blow your nose. -fist shake- Annoyance. Anywho, life is good though, and I learned that there are two more shows I like. (not all TV is stupid?) Avatar and The Mole. Both very good. And while Avatar is a kid show, it is extremely well put together. Plus, there is absolutely no blood or such disgusting things, so it's actually pretty decent. Uplifting... Sorta. It's got its morals and life lessons, and it's certainly not degrading. Also, unlike almost every other show I've seen, this one has successfully pulled off team fight scenes. No limiting to one on one, we've had one group fighting another, heck, even three different people trying to pull off a free for all. Very good. I'll admit, it does have it's unrealistic side and a few cheesy moments, but it's all in good balance. And to top it all off, it's got a stellar plot and character backgrounds. -nods- The Mole, in comparison, is completely different. Reality show where everyone is trying to find out which one of them is a plant while having a bunch of odd challenges. Pretty fun. It's odd though. There are beginning to be more shows I like, but tidal waves more shows I don't like... The only explanation is that there are more shows... Even media is having inflation! What happens when people run out of ideas for all these shows? -points to saturday morning cartoons- That's right. They go to the dogs. Which is why I'm glad Avatar has a set ending in the future. (however unfortunate its absence shall be)

So yeah, other than that, life is mostly sanding... (You'd think there'd be some signs of progress after repeated hours of labor...) I've got to work on some Teacher's Quorum planning... -waves and goes poof-


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your repeated hours of labor! Sanding and other things.

Sariah said...

I don't know Avatar but we do watch The Mole. We've watched since the first season years ago but then it disappeared for a few years and we're so excited it's back!

I hope your cold goes away soon!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried taking some medicine?
Hope you feel better.

I've watched a few episodes of the mole. Have you guys been able to figure out who it is?

I haven't seen Avatar.

What other shows do you like/not like?