Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to feel like in a given situation? I'm beginning to feel like I've spent to much time learning how to manipulate emotions and not enough in learning what emotions I want to feel. For some reason, the regular idea of happiness doesn't really fit me well. I'm more of the... calm type. I'm fine with being happy and all that, but the giddy, ecstasy thing really doesn't appeal. For other people, fine, but it's too hard to concentrate like that. -shrugs-
Anyway, I got nothing to talk about. Perhaps you've noticed. I'm working on making more maps of Palanor. I have a feeling the the topographical one is going to take some time. Still, it should be extremely useful later on. Anyway, that's not interesting enough. -sighs- This is what I get for living a quiet life.
So, Ryan likes psychology? I think I can picture that. -nods- It's a pretty interesting subject, especially when you think about how different people theorize about it.
-a few minutes later- I really can't think of anything...
It occurs to me that I should think these things through more before I post. You know, like maybe having something to talk about? Oh well, I'm going to do some psychology. -waves-
"His Father's Will"
1 year ago