Friday, May 20, 2011

05-20-11 Let's see if this works

Hmm, it's been a while since I've posted a sketch on here– been a while since I've done anything on here really. Anyway, here are some more recent ones. I've been leaning more towards reference sketching lately than I have in the past, trying a little more life-like style. Don't get me wrong. I still like the manga style, and a lot of it still shows, but I'm trying to get a little more detail into them now. Both of these ones had a couple mistakes in them, but I did what I could in photoshop to clean them up a little. Anyway, enjoy.

Yep. That's it. Still no masterpieces, but it's all a matter of progression, right?

Anyway, I've got some good news. I finally finished backing up my old blog posts. Yay! Not sure that it matters much, but it's always nice to have a copy in case something crazy happens.

On another note, if you ever start drowning, just make sure you're doing it around our 11-year-old scouts. We went over swimming safety and rescues this Wednesday, and I've got to say, I thought they did very well with throwing the line. By the end of it, all of them were able to throw out their line without it getting tangled at all. Those guys are awesome.

Well, that's pretty much it. I'll probably post again some time later, but I think this is good enough for now. Have a great one.


Sariah said...

The sketches are pretty awesome! I'm impressed. But then, I can't draw at all. ;)

It's fun to hear about your experiences with your 11 year-old scouts. It sounds like you're doing a great job in your calling. :)

motherof8 said...


Good Scouts!